Payback time for America's allies

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Geheimer Meister
4. Februar 2003
hunble schrieb:
America is in imminent danger.

You're either for her or against her.
There is no middle ground.

I thank you very much for this really true democratic shows how civilised the united states are........... :wink:




6. Mai 2002
The American way of life...

1945, Burning Japonese

1952, Burning Korea

1972, Burnig Vietnam

2003, Burning Iraq?

Hunble schrieb:
OK -- Let's just say for a moment you bunch of
pampered, overpaid, unrealistic children
had your way and the U.S.A.

P*** off CIA-Man !

Hunble schrieb:
Let's say that we close down
our military bases all over the world
and bring the troops home,
increase our foreign aid
and drop all the trade sanctions
against everybody.

Close down your military bases in all these countries, where the people hate americans like you!

Hunble schrieb:
You people need to get out of Hollywood
once in a while and get out into the real world.

Ho ho hooo, we the european people live in Hollywood?! Come on Boy! You live in a black hole called America!

Hunble schrieb:
Stop in at a truck stop and tell an overworked,
long distance truck driver that you don't think
Saddam Hussein is doing anything wrong.

In which country, honey ?

Hunble schrieb:
Tell a farmer with a couple of sons in the military
that you think the United States
has no right to defend itself.

Is America under attack?

Hunble schrieb:
Go down to Baxley, Georgia and hold an anti-war rally
and see what the folks down there think about you.

Come to europe an see what we think about you...!

How about a meeting in Hamburg in two weeks, superbrain!?
Are you interested in learning more about the reality?

:arrow: Gilgamesch


Geheimer Meister
4. Februar 2003
Tell a farmer with a couple of sons in the military
that you think the United States
has no right to defend itself.

Thats right.....but everyone else has the same right on this planet! Why do you think the americans are the only ones? Iraq has the same rights as you...with absolutely no difference!

And in fact, as long as you produce, explore and use chemical, biological, nuclear or any other godless weapon.....everyone on earth has the same right!

Your land is nothing special....a country like anyone Cuba, Lybia, Tobago.....or Liechtenstein! Germany, France, Iraq....whatever.....this all are countries like yours....with little differencies in culture, social and political life, language, mind, political and justice system.........but, in all this countries living people...humans....everywhere.....and there are no "good ones" or "bad ones".....just human beings.....but this may be to much for a american mind............

I like America....not to much, but I don`t have big problems....but now....with a junta.....i don`t like the american policies......and thats man, it`s my right!!!!





Vollkommener Meister
17. April 2002
Hunble schrieb:
truth-searcher schrieb:
Hey, if you guys wanna just get rid of Saddam, go ahead. No problem with me!

But not by bombing the people of Iraq!

If the people of Iraq stay away from military targets, then they will not be harmed.

Curious how the Socialists of the world are defending one of their own today.

Iraq's Ba'ath Socialist Party

For months, I have been searching for the common connection and I think that I have found it.

Dude, you cant be serious! If you dont believe a word I say, just believe me this, please: I am definitely NO SOCIALIST! LOL :lol:

And Saddam has to go, sure! He never should have gotten into power in the first place!

And how did that happen?

Saddam had to flee Iraq. He spent the next four years in Egypt and Syria, the only period he has lived outside Iraq. He attended law school in Cairo and is believed to have made frequent visits to the U.S. embassy there. The Iraqi Baathists and the CIA had a common interest in getting rid of pro-Soviet Qassim. Several authors believe that Saddam was helping the CIA and the Baathists coordinate a coup.

In 1963, the Baathists overthrew Qassim, with help from the CIA, and this time they killed him, but held power only briefly, setting off a a period of coups and counter-coups.

Said K. Aburish, author of "Saddam Hussein: The Politics of Revenge," who worked with Saddam in the 1970s, has said that the CIA's role in the coup against Qassim was "substantial." CIA agents were in touch with army officers who helped in the coup, operated an electronic command center in Kuwait to guide the anti-Qassim forces, and supplied the conspirators with lists of people to be killed.

"The relationship between the Americans and the Baath Party at that moment in time was very close indeed," Aburish said. The coup plotters repaid the CIA with access to Soviet-made jets and tanks the Americans hadn't yet acquired.

So who is responsible for the Iraqi peoples suffering under Saddam?

The USA, not Socialists!

And how can the Iraqi people stay away from military targets, if Saddam wont let them? They can only choose between death from their dictator or death from the "free" world!

Tell a farmer with a couple of sons in the military
that you think the United States
has no right to defend itself.

Go down to Baxley, Georgia and hold an anti-war rally
and see what the folks down there think about you.

Why would a guy from Baxley, Georgia want the death of a guy from Basra, Iraq, whom he never even met?

Iraq never did anything bad to Georgia or D.C. or any place in the US!

Get your head out of the sand
and smell the Trade Towers burning.

Well, then how come that the City Council of New York voted AGAINST the Iraq war?

It's Official: NYC Council Opposes War

...The 31-17 vote in the city hardest hit by the Sept. 11 terrorist attack came after months of behind-the-scenes debate about whether the council should take a stance, particularly given the city's position as a symbol in the war on terrorism.

"We of all cities must uphold the preciousness and sanctity of human life," said Councilman Alan Gerson, a Manhattan Democrat who voted for the resolution and whose district includes the World Trade Center site, where 2,792 people died Sept. 11, 2001.

Gale Brewer, a Manhattan Democrat who also voted for the resolution, said: "No city has been more impacted by 9-11 than New York. But based on what we know, a pre-emptive strike by the U.S. would not make the world safer."

They surely smelled the WTC burning, and they still drew the right conclusion!

... and sit around with some white wine and cheese

Relax, there aint nuttin wrong with a good ole Texas Bar-B-Q and some Budweiser with it, if that is what you are in to.

You can even have some fren... ahhhh freedom fries with that, and maybe do some freedom kissing with your girl afterwards. :wink:

Be as american as you wanna be, that is surely your right.

And if you wanna be a help to secure international peace, even by military means if really necessary, we will support you and be grateful.

But it has to be in accordance with international law and the United Nations. If we give up on that higher legal instance, all the legal framework in which countries deal with each other will be lost, and the result will be chaos!



Geheimer Meister
4. Februar 2003
Why you bunch of pitiful, hypocritical, idiotic, spoiled mugwumps.
Get your head out of the sand and smell the Trade Towers burning

Why you bunch of rednecked, dirty, dumb, "mother of all idiots-Fascists", get your fingers out of your assholes and smell the "Brownee Peace Spirit"?

Sounds this nice and democratic in your ears?

Please, stay calm and honest......stay friendly and nice....don`t use this dirty words`s not really civilised! We are not at WAR with the USA...we just have different thoughts......thats need to use this words..... :wink:

EDIT: Should it not mean "Payback time for America"? I think you should think one moment about the black slaves, the indians, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.............not only about the reparation of the 2.WW, or what you did then! There was a lot more happen in history.....


Geheimer Meister
28. August 2002
Ich denke einfach mal, daß sich die amerikanische Nation nicht als Weltpolizei aufspielen sollte, solange seine Bürger nicht einmal annähernd die Nationen auf der Karte findet, auf die sie Bomben wirft.


Geheimer Meister
18. Dezember 2002
Das die USA genauso wie andere Länder sind, stimmt nicht. Sie sind mächtiger und stärker. Und das macht sie zur Supermacht.

Der "kleine" Unterschied... 8)

Ja, Iraq, Lybien etc. stehen auch die gleichen Rechte zu wie Amerika. Die Amerikaner sind gerade dabei, dass durchzusetzten.

I'm with you my friend!

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