Riesenschritte in der Forschung.

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Geheimer Meister
1. Oktober 2002
Macht euch selbst ein Bild, da dieser Thread eigentlich nur informieren soll:

NewScientist.com newsletter, 21 May 2003
Alchemy with light
A new technique providing us with the ultimate control over light
has been uncovered. It offers a way to shift the frequency of light
beams to any desired colour, with almost 100% accuracy. And if the
effect can be harnessed, it could revolutionise a range of fields,
from turning heat into light, or even into prized terahertz rays -
which hold great promise for medical imaging. It could also allow
us to focus a wide range of frequencies into a narrow band, make
devices such as light bulbs and solar cells more efficient, and help
to keep optical telecommunications networks moving. Find out how
the technique works...
MORE http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99993750

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