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And this is not outstanding knowledge, this should know every single American! But it seems to me that you only know about fox holes and little babies. Interesting how information can be focused.
Here you are:
The United States provided the Government of Iraq with "dual use" licensed materials which assisted in the development of Iraqi chemical, biological, and missile-system programs, including:
chemical warfare agent precursors;
chemical warfare agent production facility plans...
It's fantastic how you remind me of my old grandmother (she's 87). I just cant convince her that the Nazis werent that good as she thinks. Shes always talking about 0 % unemployed in the time of Hitler and shes still telling me, that the Nazis protected her from the bad jewish people.
OK, you convinced me, I'm happy now that the USA is holding 641 prisoners without charges and is using cluster bombs against civilians, thanks for your good arguments.
You don't need to answer anymore, I am really happy for this discussion. I really really love the way usa is protecting me.
sorry, it's not worth arguing with you anymore.
You say you usually get shot when you dont wear a uniform in war....
Thanks for this comment, I will keep it in mind for your next invasions...
I also ask you why?
NEW YORK -- Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has at last recognized the Geneva Conventions. Observing, correctly, that Iraq´s televised display of captured American soldiers violated the laws of war, Rumsfeld said that the...
Hello Mr. Hunble,
i dont think he hates you, no not at all. He is just another mentally retarded person who doesn`t accept the ultimate truth: The USA only wants to help us all. They are defending the whole world against the disgusting terrorism. We should convince him of this truth by using...
Ich versteh nicht ganz, wie man sich in so einen (weiteren) Krieg reinsteigern kann. Nur weil eben die Amerikaner mal wieder zuschlagen (die wahren Gründe wird wohl keiner von uns je erfahren).
Den ganzen Tag herrscht doch eh in so vielen Gegenden dieser Welt Krieg in denen auch Kinder...
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