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A big and warm welcome...


7. Juli 2002
Trasher schrieb:
I don't know much about the relationship between the US and Canada but in the motion picture "South Park" it is shown not very well. What's the matter?

again, for those guys who did not read mr. pancakes chat-thread, i'm not canadien. i live in canada, thats all. so i really don't know whats going on between canada and US . but it is a similar "battle" like the daily fight germany-austria, or germany-netherlands.
there are a lot of issues what heat's up the battle. icehockey for example.
at least the US boys say the canadiens live in the past, (actually i would agree), the canadiens say the US boys are stupid and have no culture and knowledge (i agree to 50%).
wanna know my opinion? usa is big, canada is big. both countries are bigger than europe. you can find everywhere in the world idiots. (especially here.....). i really would not set on a stateements from a tv movie like south park.


24. Juni 2002
Oh, Pancake (Torte)

Hi folks,

after reading all the stuff, it sounds good for me, that we are getting "international". Nice work Kai.


as I see, Torte did his work well! He still confuses people, mix'em up,...

So, I left my grave, to be called by the spirit of logical sequence.

I think, the time has come to get back!

Torte, Torte, Torte.

Best regards to all



Geheimer Meister
10. April 2002
English is so nice, it makes my eyes bleed...

Nice to eat you, well whatever...

Hey everyone!!!

Cool to finally have the oppurtunity to communicate in my favourite tongue. For some strange reason it seems to me that in English one can express complicated or abstract thoughts better than in German, or Portuguese, which are about of all the languages that I really consider myself to be capable of speaking at a decent level.

Though my language is music and my thoughts are free,
English seems to be the best for me!

Peace Out Yall!

PS: My favourite topics are Time as a philosophical matter. the role of hallucinogenic plants in religious history, and ultimately, the will - your will - and what zou can do with it - whatever the hell that means...

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