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- #21
ich hoffe es langweilt nicht, aber nur um auf dem laufenden zu bleiben und um der Vollständigkeit dieses Threads:
Es steht nun der 3. Sonnensturm in dieser Woche an...
Es steht nun der 3. Sonnensturm in dieser Woche an...
...late Wednesday, solar scientists observed another big solar explosion, one of the top 20 on record, accompanied by another huge stream of supercharged gas headed in our direction. It could arrive as early as Thursday afternoon.
... It's like the Earth is looking right down the barrel of a giant gun pointed at us by the sun...and it's taken two big shots at us," said John Kohl of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
"I have not seen anything like it in my entire career as a solar physicist. The probability of this happening is so low that it is a statistical anomaly," he said in a statement Thursday.
