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Anti-War Protest sit-in


Vollkommener Meister
17. Januar 2003
Was haltet ihr von der ehippee Protest aktion ?
Wie siehts rechtlich aus für Teilnehmer ?
http://www.whitehouse.gov/ down nach Kriegsbeginn ?
Die etoys Aktion war zumindest sehr erfolgreich (Hacktivism Reportage)
electrohippie protest actions

Note that the online protest actions will not be enabled until after military conflict, without a clear UN mandate, starts in Iraq. If you try any of the following before then you'll be redirected to the main electrohippies web page.

The idea beind cyber-sit-ins is to protest the message or function of a particular Internet site by continually requesting it on your computer. If enough people do this, the site can't cope and goes down. Unlike much publicised computer 'hacking', cyber-sit-ins are distributed across many individual people's computers, and require thousands of people acting simultaneously to work. They therefore contain their own internal democratic threshold – if there are not enough people supporting the action, they don't work.

For this protest, the electrohippies will be seeking to 'degrade the service' of Tony Blair's http://www.number-10.gov.uk/ web site, and George W. Bush's http://www.whitehouse.gov/ web site. We believe that this is valid because these sites are and will be used to propagate the misleading justifications for war in Iraq.

Kann mal jemand ne kurze deutsche Anleitung schreiben, wie das ClogScript – the Java-based tool zu konfigurieren ist, bzw auf eine Seite verlinken ?


Vollkommener Meister
17. Januar 2003
If politicians do not act in a way most people in the world ask for, there might be a chance to move them to act better in the future.
I know that you want this war - so don´t discuss that here.

I am open to talk about, how an action that starts destructive can be constructive in the future. (and i don´t expect to get a better recommendation for another project from you :wink: )
But i know : the more we act like controllable sheeps the more politicians will neglect the will of the people.

The decision for starting war occured as the measures of the UN started to work. If UN politicians accept that to save the relationship to the USA or better not to let the bad foreign relations escalate - the people won´t !


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
This American is proud and will be in the weltverschwoerung.de IRC chat room all night.

Tonight, many brave Americans will die.

Let us all take a moment to pray.


Vollkommener Meister
17. Januar 2003
Yes - may God forgive them.

Almighty God, Creator of all people upon the earth, most heartily
we pray that you will deliver your children from the cruelties of war and
lead all the nations into the way of peace. Teach us to put away all
bitterness and misunderstanding, both in Church and State; that we, with all
the people may draw together as one community of peoples and
dwell evermore in the fellowship of that Prince of Peace, who lives and
reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, now and ever. Amen.

Source : Peace Prayers of the People


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
Almighty God, watch over the men and women of the Allied Armed Forces, Protect them from harm and lift their spirits in this time of trial, Grant them the courage to fulfill their missions and the strength to defeat our enemies, Fill them with your mercy for the vanquished and your love for the oppressed, Guide them to be instruments of hope and freedom for the world, And when Iraq is free, bring them home safely, their task complete, In you we trust.



Geheimer Meister
4. Februar 2003
Hunble.....why do you pray just for one side? Are there no humans on the other one? Must only americans die? What`s with Iraqi people? They also have to suffer and to die,.........like all the sodiers in a war!
So please, if you call GOD for a prayer for peace and hope and freedom....pray for EVERYBODY on the earth........not only for the "good" ones.......also for the "bad" and the "ugly"!




Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
Believe it or not, that is exactly what I did do tonight.

When the War started, I had to excuse myself for a few minutes to give a prayer for everyone involved.

I respect the military people in Iraq. They are defending their country, just like I am doing for my own.

The soldiers of Iraq have already earned my respect.



Geheimer Meister
4. Februar 2003
So please forgot my post............and lets pray a little louder! And....lets pray for Bush.....maybe God will help him, to find his lost brain!




Meister vom Königlichen Gewölbe
7. Mai 2002
Also eine gute Aktion fand ich mal die, als die Demonstranten sich in eine Einfahrt einer Amibasis gesetzt haben.

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