Ritter Rosenkreuzer
- 20. März 2003
- 2.785
So, der alte Bilderberg- Thread mit seinen 15 Seiten (und dem Ort des letzten Treffens im Titel) wird nun durch diesen ergänzt, der zunächst mal speziell für alle Informationen in Bezug auf das Meeting in Ottawa (8.-11. Juni, Brook Street Hotel) gedacht ist.
Hier schon mal einige Links:
Viele Infos und Links unter:
Und noch ein nicht uninteressantes Interview mit Gayle Lynds, Autorin von "The Coil":
Der christliche Verschwörungstheoretiker Alex Jones wurde offenbar nach seiner Einreise in Kanada für 15 Stunden festgehalten und verhört - "auf Anweisung der Bilderberg- Gruppe", wie auf seiner Seite zu lesen ist:
@ Aphorismus: Wenn dir die Veranstalter inzwischen Informationen zugeschickt haben, sind diese hier natürlich auch sehr willkommen.
Hier schon mal einige Links:
Secret meetings set?A COTERIE of conspiracy theorists is in town to cover the top secret meeting of the western world's elite -- believed to be coming to a Kanata hotel tomorrow and ending with the full moon on Sunday.
Elite firm to guard top-secret meeting in KanataWhatever the case, Brookstreet staff are staying tight lipped about the conference. The hotel's general manager, Patrice Basille, didn't immediately return a call yesterday. He has previously said he was unaware of the event.
A Citizen reporter who called to make dinner reservations was told the hotel will be closed between June 8 and 11 to accommodate a private function.
Viele Infos und Links unter:
Und noch ein nicht uninteressantes Interview mit Gayle Lynds, Autorin von "The Coil":
Bookreporter.comQ: The Coil is a secret group of international moguls with staggering power. According to your Author's Note, they're based on a real one. Tell us how that happened.
GL: About nine years ago during other research, I stumbled upon one of those paragraphs that are the lifeblood of a novelist. It mentioned a yearly meeting of powerful world leaders that called itself the Bilderberg Group. I was instantly intrigued. Unlike the World Economic Forum, with its hundreds of government and business VIPs who usually gather in Davos, Switzerland, and Allen & Co., which is legendary for its smaller but even more elite summits in Sun Valley, Idaho, I had never heard of the Bilderbergers.
Der christliche Verschwörungstheoretiker Alex Jones wurde offenbar nach seiner Einreise in Kanada für 15 Stunden festgehalten und verhört - "auf Anweisung der Bilderberg- Gruppe", wie auf seiner Seite zu lesen ist:
Alex Jones Detained On Orders Of Bilderberg GroupAlex Jones and his team were detained by Canadian immigration on orders of the Bilderberg Group for a 15 hour nightmare of interrogation, accusations and threats of arrests in anticipation of the conference in Ottawa which starts today.
The group were detained at 11:45pm last night and only released after 2pm today.
Customs openly told Alex as soon as they brought him into custody that the Bilderberg Group was aware of his arrival and that this was the reason for his detainment. All three members of the team were instantly detained despite going through different immigration desks. [...]
The immigrations officials said that their reason for detaining Alex was because they feared he was in the country to infiltrate the Bilderberg meeting.
@ Aphorismus: Wenn dir die Veranstalter inzwischen Informationen zugeschickt haben, sind diese hier natürlich auch sehr willkommen.