I am Lord ChAOs, the mightiest Sith ever know´n in this world. You are unable unable to defeat me, you are unable to defeat anyone! Go back to mum, loser or this will be the last day of your foolish life! *laughing*
Have come here for a confrontation with me?
Don't even think about fighting me... I'm not going to kill your body....I'm going to rip out your soul and offer it to the demons of light and power...
don't try to stop us....
You should not have come old man... Now i am the master....
We shall see... I have seen worlds, suns and races come and go, and i live to tell...
I could simply outlive you, but that would spoil the fun i might have in tearing your small soul into fading shreds... 8)
a nice game you play, but the master i am. never you will be better at saber-fighting and force-using than i am.
the force is with me...hmm...i AM the force )
I don't need the puny force... Yield to me or i shall slay you where you lie...
I dwell on the Negative material Plane... How will you be able to even harm me?
Only a short note to your question. If you write "Yedi" with a "Y" like the original english version, why you then don't write "Syth" also with the "Y" ?
You creep and crawl in order to besiege me,
understand or even sit next to me,
but I refuse to hear your weeping prayers,
solitude and sorrow four thousand years,
will erase all fears and dry the tears,
when the warriors howl and blood gets smeared.
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