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IRAK, 1.700 GI´s desertiert ,7.000 Heimatflug wg. Krankheit


Geheimer Meister
20. August 2002
eine interessante Info die man in den Mainstream Medien nicht wiederfindet

1,700 U.S. soldiers have deserted in Iraq: French magazine

Friday, December 5, 2003 at 03:52 JST
PARIS — One thousand and seven hundred U.S. soldiers have deserted their posts in Iraq, with many of them failing to return to military duty after getting permission to go back to the United States, according to the French weekly magazine Le Canard Enchaine.

The magazine, known for its satires and exposes, said the French intelligence agency obtained the information from what it described an "American colleague." Citing a senior French official posted in Washington, the magazine also said that 7,000 U.S. soldiers have left Iraq allegedly due to psychological troubles and other illnesses. (Kyodo News)

http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=news&cat=8&id=28113 [/url]


15. März 2003
"The magazine, known for its satires and exposes..."

Tja, könnte vielleicht ein Grund dafür sein, daß diese Info nicht in den "Mainstream Medien" auftaucht.... :wink:

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