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local call


Geheimer Meister
26. November 2002
The Queen Elizabeth, Bill Clinton and President Khatami died and went
>all to hell.
>The Queen Elizabeth said: "I miss England. I wanna call England and see
>how everybody is doing there"....She called and talked for about 5
>minutes...then she said: "Well, Devil, how much do I owe you???? the
>Devil goes: Five million dollars...five million dollars!!! she made him
>a check and went to sit back on her chair.... Bill Clinton was so
>jealous; He starts screaming: me too; I wanna call the United States; I
>wanna see how everybody is doing too...He called and talked for about 2
>minutes; then he said: well, Devil how much do I owe you????
>the Devil goes: ten million dollars.....ten million dollars!!!!!! He
>made him a check and went to sit back on his chair..... The Iranian
>president was extremely jealous too...he started screaming and
>screaming: I wanna call Iran too, I
>wanna see how everybody is doing there too, I wanna talk to
>everybody.....He called Iran and he talked for about twenty hours. He
>was talking and talking and talking....then he said: well, Devil how
>much do I owe you???? the Devil goes: one dollar.....only one
>dollar!!!!! the Devil goes: well, from hell to hell it's local.


Großer Auserwählter
10. April 2002

Könntest Du mir mal den tieferen Sinne Deines Postings erklären?




Großer Auserwählter
10. April 2002
Das hier ist immer noch der Politik Thread, deshalb fragte ich auch nach. Da es nun als solches nicht wirklich sinnvoll ist verschiebe ich es mal nach, hmmm. Warum nicht nach " Witze auf englisch?".

und schwupp.


Now this more for fun. Let´s use this thread for choking and limericks.


Vorsteher und Richter
24. Juni 2002
Having sex in a boat is like American beer...
Fucking near water!


Großer Auserwählter
10. April 2002
Now here a very bad one. A limerick

Mister Miller hold his daughter
fifteen minutes under water
not to have some troubles
only to see the funny bubbles!

Another, not so bad one i read on time on the railway station:

Why do drunk and drive , if you can smoke and fly?

Or this specially for the peceful people in the world

Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginty!

Don (...in bad motion today)


Meister vom Königlichen Gewölbe
30. September 2002
Ich will dich ja wirklich nicht ärgern, Don, aber ich finde die Art deiner Rechtschreibung noch lustiger als die Witze selber :wink:
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