Eigentlich pöbel ich hier nur rum und bezeichne Leute die faschistische Witze machen als Faschisten, weil meiner Meinung nach Humor der beste Lehrmeister ist.
Nu mach ich mal ein eigenes Topic.
Irgendwann kam hier ein Thema, dessen sinngehalt ungefähr so wiedergegeben werden kann :
"Michael Moore hat was fieses über Deutsche gesagt. Also ist er selber fies."
Irgendwie hab ich mich gefragt:
ist er das wirklich ?
Und angeregt durch die jüngsten Medienereignisse, hab ich mal beschlossen ihm nen Brief zu schreiben.
Ich bin nicht wirklich ein englischprofi.
Nämlich folgenden
Da ich grad ne Error email gekriegt hab, guck ich mal ob der auch n Forum hat wo ich das posten kann.
Falls ich ne interessante Antwort kriege werd ich sie euch gerne weitergeben.
Eigentlich pöbel ich hier nur rum und bezeichne Leute die faschistische Witze machen als Faschisten, weil meiner Meinung nach Humor der beste Lehrmeister ist.
Nu mach ich mal ein eigenes Topic.
Irgendwann kam hier ein Thema, dessen sinngehalt ungefähr so wiedergegeben werden kann :
"Michael Moore hat was fieses über Deutsche gesagt. Also ist er selber fies."
Irgendwie hab ich mich gefragt:
ist er das wirklich ?
Und angeregt durch die jüngsten Medienereignisse, hab ich mal beschlossen ihm nen Brief zu schreiben.
Ich bin nicht wirklich ein englischprofi.
Nämlich folgenden
Dear Mr Moore !
I 'm Robert.
I'm 20 years old.
I was born in Germany. (Weißwurst, München, Oktoberfest, Sauerkraut... )
In this Land, we have Problems.( not comparable to the Problems you have in your country).
We have just a tiny Bill about €.
Many of us like you, because you stood against the Evil Force ( Try to imagine a star wars theme here) of George W. Bush and his compangnions.
But some of us not only dislike George W.. They dislike your hole country (including landscape, animals, flowers, rivers, animals, people and so on)
20% of our society believe in a more or less Conspiracy .
But some of them not only believe in a conspiracy of the neohawks (PNCA, Think Tanks, ...) !
Some of them see in this just one piece of a bigger puzzle.
I speak of world Conspiracy. JEWISH WORLD CONSPIRACY.
Fascistoid bastards, no one really cares about them. I thought.
You maybe yet still think.
But these people take a typewriter and wrote books.
WTC Conspiracy....
"Nuklear Bombs were detonated to destroy the WTC..."
"There is no Spoon"... D'oh ..."there were no planes", i mean.
"the WTC was hitten by cruise missiles".
"Planed and fired by the mossad".
"No Jews were harmed during 11.9."
[not original quotes... i don't like these kind of books and i will never ever buy or read this crap, finito, basta, fullstop !]
20% of our society buy and read those books.
Our non private Television Networks (ARD, ZDF, WDR) have started countercampaigns, starting to inform about "facts" and "fiction".
But they ignoring that some pieces of the puzzle may be true (Bush junta ...).
So it's really easy for 20% of the society :
"Hmm the television say something different than the books. "
--> "But in their Books, von Bülow, Wischnewski, and others write, that the television is under control by them ! [ maybe they read 1984 once too often]"
-->"so i have to trust the books and not the media. Whatever they might say"
And the stupidest thing of all :
Germany not only have strange fascist-conspiracy-book writers.
Germany also have strange neofascist-parties (DVU,&NPD [German Society Union & Nationalistic Partie of Germany ] )
So the final thought string of the 20% is maybe :
-> "Next election ! I vote for either NPD or DVU. And before that, i convince some more people to act like me! "
Maybe I'm just paranoid. But do you know something about the Republic of Weimar ?
(Germany between World War I and the Drittes Reich)
Before the little stinker got the power, Germany has social Problems comparable with them we have today. Also a growing of believers in old Nordic Cults (Odin, Thor, Ragnarok, Worldtree, Walhalla, Fat singing Chicks, who pick up fallen warriors...)
was registered.
Still, just 20% of our society believe in some kind of world conspiracy.
Still just maybe 5% believe and practice Nordic Religionwith a fascist background.(The founder of one of the biggest new Nordic Religion Groups once was an anarchist 1968, attacking police, fighting for liberty, beeing against Fascism.
And he is aginst fascism also today, and a really cool person too. But he founded just one single of many other groups.)
But, if the social security in Germany is dropping, more and more of the victims will search for a reason.
(I've even heard a large group at the last anti-war demonstration in Berlin shouting :
"Here is marching the natinalistic Resitance ! For a Germany reunited in the borders of 1933 !" AND NO ONE CARES ABOUT THEM !)
And a conspiracy is a good reason. It cuts the world into two simple parts.
The Bad ones and the Good ones. Black and White.
so the parties will grow. Maybe slowly.
But they will.
And our government is helpless against this.
( Long Story.... :-( ... )
You maybe think :
What do you want Robert?
I'm asking for a favour.
Many of the 20% we face here, get introduced to consipracy theories with your book "Stupid White Man!"
Because of, that you write something funny (i think) about germans in the USA in one of your previous books, they now are unsure (it's really friendly said).
They don't are interessted in me and what i say and see, what i am afraid off.
Maybe, because i'm just from a small town in germany and i dress and act a kind of strange, and because i am a complete Nobody.
(Do you think "Oh No, he just cannot want me to do THIS" yet ? No ? Great!)
But you are Michael Moore !
All these hobby conspiracy finders loved your book "Stupid White Men!".
almost all of them loved "Bowling for Columbine!"
Many of them also love your previous book (not the one, who are already fascistoid of course :-( ....).
Maybe you can write a little prospect, or a collumn (??) dedcated to the germans.
That they are able to look through the Conspiracy of Fascism, which is trying to establish itself in Germany. And don't believe everything they read anymore.
I will really try to do my best, by assisting you at this Quest :-) .
Sorry to bother you, but it's the last chance i could imagine to stop this.
Robert Herzog
Da ich grad ne Error email gekriegt hab, guck ich mal ob der auch n Forum hat wo ich das posten kann.
Falls ich ne interessante Antwort kriege werd ich sie euch gerne weitergeben.