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Should Turkey enter the EU?


Auserwählter Meister der Neun
11. April 2002
DrJones schrieb:
95% of the turkey belongs to asia, not to europe.

And? Maybe your numbers are right but to me this is no reason to deny the membership of Turkey to the EU.

DrJones schrieb:
The divinity between religion and government is only granted by the

I beleive you mean division or separation...

Well, this reason seems to be very weighty. And at the moment I don't have an answer. In the islamic religion the separation of religion and government is not provided. Maybe it is possible to find a "turkish way of living the Islam" - but this would last some decades and can not be solved in some years.

DrJones schrieb:
If they enter, We would have an outer frontier to the Irak.

Not only Iraq! But where is the problem? Iraq is not our enemy! And we - the EU - would be closer to the oil in Middle East :twisted:


Vollkommener Meister
17. April 2002
Maybe it is possible to find a "turkish way of living the Islam" - but this would last some decades and can not be solved in some years.


Hey, BuKa, I usually enjoy your posts as well-informed and interesting (a little emotional at times, but thats OK)!

But what are you trying to say with this sentence? Dont you know that the turkish people have had a turkish way of living Islam for decades already?

And the separation of religion and state has been part of the turkish constitution for almost 80 years now!

Not only Iraq! But where is the problem? Iraq is not our enemy! And we - the EU - would be closer to the oil in Middle East

Excellent point! I agree! And we would also have the second strongest military force in NATO on our side (Only the US-Army is stronger!).

Apart from that we would gain excellent access to the Turkic Republics like Turkmenistan and Usbekistan etc. which have not only a so far commercially unexploited market, but also probably a lot of Oil!

And last but not least the strategic importance of Turkey as a gateway and link between Europe in the west, former Soviet republics in the north, the Middle East in the south and Asia in the East!

DrJones hat folgendes geschrieben::

The divinity between religion and government is only granted by the

That is a very simplistic view! The division between religion and government is granted by the Turkish constitution! The turkish constitution has given the turkish military the task to be a safeguard of this division!
You should not make the mistake of seeing the turkish military in the same way that you see the german military in former times. (I am not talking about the Bundeswehr, but the Reichswehr!)

The leaders of the german Reichswehr, coming from an aristocratic, pro-monarchistic background, used to be anti-democratic and were not satisfied with the Weimar System. That is why modern Germans tend to see the military always as a threat to democracy. (State within a state, etc.)

In Turkey however, the military (Atatürk was Supreme commander of the turkish military) was the power that brought democracy and a pro-western attitude into the country and has been fighting to preserve it ever since. Unfortunately often with undemocratic methods!

And apart from that, even though there may be a rise in islamistic attitudes in Turkey these days (which is only because people feel betrayed by a western system of corruption and cold capitalism), the majority of the Turks is absolutely against having an islamistic state!



13. Oktober 2002
mr. berlusconi suggested a possible join of russia, israel and turkey. non of these countries are democracys, except israel. but even israel shoud nod be allowd to join the EU in the long-run, before the palestiniaen question is solved


Geheimer Meister
2. Mai 2002
We should hope they don't take that too literally: "enter the EU" 8O :lol:
just kidding...

But as some other people already said, it is a very important country, in any strategical sense - i even think in a militarily sense.

Just think about what happened in the last Iraq war...
I guess the turkish government and its military would have a much harder stand if something like that will happen again.

They will be part of an union and won't be able then to say "no" so easy anymore.

That's my view of on that.


Großer Auserwählter
13. April 2003
you´re right, the turkish economy is weak, bit it colud be stronger if the eu would help, don´t? - I think so!

If they join the turkish economy would have to stand against the european economies because of the free trade. They can't stand this pressure....


Geheimer Meister
2. Mai 2002
Well that's competition. And those who can't face this competition will fail.
No risk, no fun.... Hmmm This does not seem to be the motto, does it? :)

Let's think about it: If that country is too weak for a strong economy, if it will fail, and if others have to pay for those who fail does'nt that tell us that this country should fit the conditions for joining first?


Vollkommener Meister
21. November 2003
DrJones schrieb:
I think they should not enter the EU.
There are to many cons.

95% of the turkey belongs to asia, not to europe.
The divinity between religion and government is only granted by the

If they enter, We would have an outer frontier to the Irak.

it's part of the constitution and not of the military!
turkey is still a laizistic country and will always be!
Most turkish people are laizists and are following Atatürks ideas!


Vollkommener Meister
21. November 2003
I've heard the rumour, mostly by islamic fundamentalists, they also say that he was a jew!

Even if it's true...what's the problem!?

He did a lot of things for turkey!

That's what's important !

If he was , he was a freemason of a lower grade!

his ideas cannot be compared with the ideas of NWO!


16. Juni 2004
derTagwirdkommen schrieb:
mr. berlusconi suggested a possible join of russia, israel and turkey. non of these countries are democracys, except israel. but even israel shoud nod be allowd to join the EU in the long-run, before the palestiniaen question is solved
Berlusconi is an idiot. Israel shouldn't be allowed to join. Period. Israel is a middle eastern country.


Vollkommener Meister
8. Dezember 2003
note: I was referring to the two banned users whose posts are above mine...


Geheimer Meister
7. Juni 2002
Turkey bla bla ... Human Rights .... bla bla .... Germany .... bla bla bla ... America wants to have them in the EU ... bla bla ....

Hey Guys !!! (Gays??)

Could you please come down again and talk about the truth? Turkey is toooo big for the European Union. That is the one and only fact in that issue, nothing else. If you really think that the real reason for Turkeys "not to be in EU" are the Human Rights, than I think you should go back to your scoul to get teached again in Mathematics.

Even Germany - as a very big Country (in relations to the others) - has got more than 90 members in parliament. What do you think Turkey will have when they really should enter the EU, with a similar quantity of inhabitants????

The root-cause in my point of view is the influence Turkey will get, if it should come into the EU, nothing else.

In Case of Human-Rights. Hahahaaa... Bloody Hell... what are you thinking Turkey is doing with its Peoples?? Please wake up !!! Don't read brainwashing magazins. Just pay 200€ for a Ticket and travel to Turkey and google with your own eyes.


PS: Wieso schreibt ihr alle hier auf Englisch???



21. Juni 2004
NightHawk schrieb:
Turkey bla bla ... Human Rights .... bla bla .... Germany .... bla bla bla ... America wants to have them in the EU ... bla bla ....

Hey Guys !!! (Gays??)

Could you please come down again and talk about the truth? Turkey is toooo big for the European Union. That is the one and only fact in that issue, nothing else. If you really think that the real reason for Turkeys "not to be in EU" are the Human Rights, than I think you should go back to your scoul to get teached again in Mathematics.

Even Germany - as a very big Country (in relations to the others) - has got more than 90 members in parliament. What do you think Turkey will have when they really should enter the EU, with a similar quantity of inhabitants????

The root-cause in my point of view is the influence Turkey will get, if it should come into the EU, nothing else.

In Case of Human-Rights. Hahahaaa... Bloody Hell... what are you thinking Turkey is doing with its Peoples?? Please wake up !!! Don't read brainwashing magazins. Just pay 200€ for a Ticket and travel to Turkey and google with your own eyes.
Good point.

PS: Wieso schreibt ihr alle hier auf Englisch???

Cause beeing a forum intended for international forum members, though I doubt there are that many, means they probably don't speak German.
The bulk of them anyway.


Erhabener auserwählter Ritter
24. Juni 2003

Turkey bla bla ... Human Rights .... bla bla .... Germany .... bla bla bla ... America wants to have them in the EU ... bla bla ....

Hey Guys !!! (Gays??)

Hey Blindhawk, calm down man, calm down! Caaaaalmmm dooownnnnn!

Could you please come down again and talk about the truth? Turkey is toooo big for the European Union. That is the one and only fact in that issue, nothing else. If you really think that the real reason for Turkeys "not to be in EU" are the Human Rights, than I think you should go back to your scoul to get teached again in Mathematics.

You´re a genius in mathematics, right?
Sooo, what about the new european countries?I`m sure you can tell us the differece between 70mio new-east-europeans now and Turkey in future?

Even Germany - as a very big Country (in relations to the others) - has got more than 90 members in parliament. What do you think Turkey will have when they really should enter the EU, with a similar quantity of inhabitants????

Ola, another nighthwak-special!
I think Turkey will have 80 members in parliament in relation to 732 members now! Are you scared of 80 Turks, stupid white man? :lol:

The root-cause in my point of view is the influence Turkey will get, if it should come into the EU, nothing else

Aha..You`re worried that Turkey will get more influence?
..more influence to wash your brain? More influence to change europe?
So what do you mean in particular Nighthawk?

In Case of Human-Rights. Hahahaaa... Bloody Hell... what are you thinking Turkey is doing with its Peoples?? Please wake up !!! Don't read brainwashing magazins. Just pay 200€ for a Ticket and travel to Turkey and google with your own eyes.

Yeah...only 200€ for a horror-trip to Antalya. Bloody-Mary ond your left, butcher-Ali on you right...aaaaand Big-Bloody-Hell-Kurdistan in the front!
Your are not in MTV-Scare-Tactics, not in Freddy Krügers nightmare, this iiiiiissss real-life Turkeeeey!

Best Price for you....oooooonnly 200€! Yeah!

:arrow: Gilgamesh
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