This American is waiting...

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Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
Who do you think supported afghanistan with weapons, hm?


America, and we kicked some Russian butt!

To the Russians, that was their Vietnam and they suffered through 10 years of war. With Vietnam, America had to suffer from Russian support and we were never allowed to attack our real enemy.

In a very serious way, Afghanistan was America's revenge for Vietnam directed toward the Russians.

Now Russians suffered through 10 years of war in Afghanistan, but the Americans were able to do it in only a few months.

Did you ever ask why?


Ritter der ehernen Schlange
10. April 2002
Re: Reply to Trasher

Hunble schrieb:
I can give you a very simple answer as to why the United States has Chemical Weapons:

During WWII, as America was at war with Germany, we developed Nerve Gas bombs. The official classification of that Nerve Gas is VX, which is an abbreviation for some German words. VX is a German invention!
German scientists are responsible for many cruel inventions, that's true.
Why do you think did they move from Germany to the United States after WWII? For holiday?

America has not developed any new chemical weapons since World War II...
Just think about german scientists like Wernher von Braun which developed an effective rocket after moving to the US.
So don't play the innocent man. You know as I do for sure that the U.S. of A. has modern chemical weapons.

Have all of these weapons been destroyed yet? NO! These are very dangerous weapons and you can not just explode them without killing people. It is a slow and very difficult process to eliminate these weapons.
Last but not least I want to thank you for destroying those cruel weapons for us.


Vollkommener Meister
17. April 2002
Now Russians suffered through 10 years of war in Afghanistan, but the Americans were able to do it in only a few months.

Able to do WHAT ???

Do you actually believe that America is already controlling Afghanistan???

And are you aware that the Russians were very quick to enter and bomb Afghanistan, but due to the guerilla-tactics of the Mujaheddin they were never able to control the country and failed miserably in the end?

Dont you realize that America is about to fall into the very same Afghanistan-trap that they successfully built against the Sowiets?

And finally, do you know the name of the Saudi person that lead and coordinated the efforts of muslim fighters against the Sowiets in Afghanistan (financd and trained by USA)?

Did you ever ask why?

Nope, never.
So I am asking now: Why were Americans able to do it so fast? You tell me then.


Oh, one more question! How about American Bio-weapons?

Why does America need means of biological warfare? Or do the guys at AMRIID in Fort Detrick just get paid for nothing?


Ritter der ehernen Schlange
10. April 2002
Now Russians suffered through 10 years of war in Afghanistan, but the Americans were able to do it in only a few months.

Did you ever ask why?

You obviously have very effective weapons. Where do you think those billions of dollars for the ministry of defence are invested in?
:arrow: Weapons, weapons, more weapons and even more weapons.
Do you really think that there are no chemical weapons among those weapons?

So you kicked some russian butts in afghanistan for revenge, hm? If this is your pride then you're a very poor human being.


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
Re: Reply to Trasher

Trasher, history is not supporting your statements.

It has been interesting to watch you twist words in a pitiful effort to support your political views.

Are you actually implying that people like Wernher von Braun were responsible for the horrors of WWII?

After WWII, Wernher von Braun and his group of scientists were transfered to New Mexico. That area became known as White Sands Missile Range. They dedicated their lives to one goal - the exploration of space.

In 1979, I was transfered to White Sands Missile Range and have been personally introduced to the German scientists who were still living in the area. For years, I worked side by side with a son of one of these outstanding scientists.

Yes, they were eventually transfered to Huntsville, Alabama. I know that very well and have visited them in Alabama many times.

I have to admit, you just managed to get me very emotionally upset. How dare you insult these people, who you have never known!

When you have sat in their home, eaten dinner with them, and then listen to these insults, perhaps you will realize the outrage I am feeling.


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
Why does America need means of biological warfare? Or do the guys at ARMORIED in Fort De just get paid for nothing?

Outstanding question!

Of all the American Army bases, Ft De is the one I have never personally visited.

My father was the director of Immunization at the Center for Disease Control, and the choice to halt Smallpox vaccinations around the world was his choice.

Last month I asked him some very detailed questions about his history and why he decided to halt the vaccination of the American public even if he knew the dangers from a military introduction of Smallpox.

He agreed to write the details down, but it will not be released until after his death.

He knew this was wrong, but politics was involved. The guilty people will be protected, since many of them are still currently in office.

And NO, the guilty people are not President Bush supporters......


Ritter der ehernen Schlange
10. April 2002
Ok sorry, I was wrong and he just gave you his knowledge, some of his V2-rockets and construction-plans and later worked on some space-programs.
What's the difference?

P.S. It's not my intention to make you emotionally upset. I just want you to see the things going wrong in your own country before claiming the right of telling other countries what to do.


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
I am the son of a person that was in charge of the Immunization program at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta Georgia.

My father grew up very poor as a child, but was able to achieve from hard work in his life. As his son, he demanded that I do the same as him.

In 1973, I tried to go to college. Other students were able to get college loans, but since my father made too much money, I was not allowed to get a loan. Remember, my father refuses to support me in any way!

I was not Black or any other minority. Just a student trying to get a college education in any way possible. If anything, because I was White and of German heritage, it was impossible for me to get any financial assistance for college.

In 1993, America was at war in Vietnam.

I joined the Army and was sent to Germany for 4 years. I absolutely fell in love with Germany!

After 4 years in Germany, I was then transfered to White Sands Missile Range. My military job was eliminated and they converted me into a rather high ranking civilian working for the Department of Defense.

In the 14 years that I worked at White Sands Missile Range, I traveled all over the world. When the U.S. Army was involved with a war, I was there. That was my job.

I will not lie to you and will answer any honest questions. If the subject is classified, then that will be my answer to you.

Today, we hear ignorant people telling lies to the public. And unless someone like me stand up, those lies will be considered as truth.

I am standing up all calling these people Liars!


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
You bloody idiot, we Americans are doing everything in our power to keep YOU safe and free from terrorism.

Instead of understanding and supporting our efforts to keep you and your family alive, we are attacked for political reasons.

I honestly do not know how to answer your questions. It is like someone demanding that I explain to them why I do not beat my wife, and if I do not beat my wife, then I am some sort of criminal.

I will answer every honest question to the best of my abilities. But there are some questions that are simply beyond reality.

For those questions, I must simply ignore them and wait for other honest requests for information.


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
"In crucial hours, the success of our cause will depend upon you. As members of our military, you serve this nation's ideals and you demonstrate those ideals in your code and in your character. As Commander-in-Chief, I have come to know the men and women who wear America's uniform. I have seen your love of country and your devotion to a cause larger than yourself. I have seen your discipline, your idealism, and your sense of honor. I know that every order I give can bring a cost. I also know without a doubt that every order I give will be carried out with skill and unselfish courage.

"Some crucial hours may lie ahead. We know the challenges and the dangers we face. If this generation of Americans is ready, we accept the burden of leadership, we act in the cause of peace and freedom. And in that cause, we will prevail."

President Bush, 3 January 2003.


Vollkommener Meister
17. April 2002
@ hunble

WOW! My honest and deepest respect for your fathers decision!

I think I may have heard a little bit about the background of those vaccinations, and the health risk posed by the vaccination itself seems to outweigh the danger of military introduction.

I sincerely hope that courageous people like your father will soon be on the rise again in America! People who are not afraid to make a decision because it is right, and do not give in to"politics", which unfortunately seems to be synonimous with lobby interests these days.

Oh, and by the way, thanks for visiting us at this board! I value your contributions!


P.S. Who do you call a bloody idiot? Maybe we should refrain from personal insults?


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
I agree, personal insults are not allowed and I should not have said that.

Please understand that I have been personally involved with many of subjects that you consider as only history.

My wife's father entered Europe on D-Day and he knew all about fighting the Germans. He died last year, but we would talk about WWII for hours.

This is not just books to me, but actual memories and knowledge.

My daughter was born in Nirenberg Germany.


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
Die Germans, die.

I am sick an tired of protecting people that attack my country.

If you have a better idea, then get off your ass and do something.

I frankly give up. This is your life and family, and I no longer care.

Seriously, I no longer care what happens to the German people.


Ritter der ehernen Schlange
10. April 2002
Die Germans, die.

I am sick an tired of protecting people that attack my country.

If you have a better idea, then get off your ass and do something.

I frankly give up. This is your life and family, and I no longer care.

Seriously, I no longer care what happens to the German people.

What is your problem?
I just asked you about things going wrong in the USA and I don't think that the things I said are totally lies. For example you did not react on the fact that the US bombed out two cities in Japan although it was clear that they would surrender. Today people are still dying there because of this act of cruelty!
Instead of just thinking about what you are doing wrong you get not tired to repeat what other people are doing wrong.

You think that with the help of war you could stop terrorism. I'm sorry but you are wrong. Think about it. Please, just think about you! War makes hate, hate against you leads in war!


Ritter vom Schwert
4. Januar 2003
so, this is your opinion...?

Hunble schrieb:
Die Germans, die.

I am sick an tired of protecting people that attack my country.

If you have a better idea, then get off your ass and do something.

I frankly give up. This is your life and family, and I no longer care.

Seriously, I no longer care what happens to the German people.

This is the way you think about people asking inconveniently questions?

Should we be anxious, when people with such attitudes own the largest inventory of different weapons on this planet???

So we have to accept unquestioningly everything you or the US Government will tell us, otherwise we are attack your country and we have to die?

Sorry Buddy, but i am VERY concerned about these kind of philosophy... :cry:


2. Januar 2003
Bombing my "PROBLEMS" isn´t the answer!
think if one attac GERMANY it´s different, then attacing the usa!
but even if we will be attaced, we never bomb acounry back to the middle ages!
destroy what u may destoy?
eye on eye, tooth on tooth?
where were "U" the last centuries? 8O


Beatus ille, qui procul negotiis.
10. April 2002
Hunble schrieb:
Die Germans, die.

I am sick an tired of protecting people that attack my country.

If you have a better idea, then get off your ass and do something.

I frankly give up. This is your life and family, and I no longer care.

Seriously, I no longer care what happens to the German people.
I have to admit, you just managed to get me very emotionally upset.

If you can read this, just answer my simple question: You do not have a proof for mass-destruction weapons in Iraq. Your inspectors could not find any of them. So why the fuck are you going to attack this country and kill thousands of innocent people?

And please, don't come up with the same argument again. How did the US protect Germany or any other country with the wars in Vietnam, Korea or Somalia?

One more thing: You tend to hate every German only because of talking to three of four of them who aren't impressed of Bush's politics. Concerning me, I don't have anything against the Americans, there's one of them living in our house as a guest for a few weeks right now. I just have to choke when I think of America's foreign policy at the moment but I am able to understand that it's not the small american man making them. I'm absolutely sure that, if you came here while Clinton was president, there would not have been any controversy with us. I'm also sure that if you visited Germany and visited one of the people of this board you would notice their hospitality and kindness. Please don't think that every German is an asshole only because of the political differences of our contries. Peace!


Ritter der Sonne
12. Mai 2002
well it seems so typically.
again and again and again.

"we protect you from the bad guys" ... "you have to thank us for our help in wwII" ...

well who build up the iraq regime? who gave em the weapons to fight against the soviet build up iran nation?

who supports that regime in saudi arabia? who gave money and weapons to the taliban to enable em to force the soviet troops out of afghanisan?

the politics of the united states are not as virgin as it is demonstrated so often. it is not only the danger of nuke, or biological weapons. it is at least a question of business with oil. it is at least a powerplay.

i blame the us politics for being blind and ignorant against other cultures. many porblems came up cause many regimes are at power with the help of us goverments.

well i know that bush is not realy the elected president of the united states. i know that many americans don`t like the actuall politic. surly noone can hear their voices cause the patriot politic of us-media.
i don`t hate the american people but i think the actuall us-administration is dangerous and made by "stupid white men".

if someone wants to solve some problems in the world you need to spend money to education an economy in poor countrys...

but the us-goverment prefers to spend money to its own economy while boosting the industrial/military complex.

hitler showed that such a behavior will work for short time... but you know where the hitler-concept has ended.

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