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This American is waiting...


Geheimer Meister
5. Juni 2002
I dont like america, and i know why! because u try to protect people, who dont need any protecting...! i dont need america! i prefer to die in an terrorist act, than to be protect by any f*****g american soldiar!


Vorsteher und Richter
10. April 2002
basically i agree with you but don't you think you said it a bit too rugged? next time i will delete such statements



2. Januar 2003
isn´t it the way america do?
Burn down what seems to be "The Others"? :twisted:
The only way is to teach them in "behavior"!
U have to give them examples & hints!


Vollkommener Meister
17. April 2002
Hmm, it seems to me that Hunble has left the building/ the forum!

Did any of you guys realize this interesting coincidence:

Around the middle of december, we find out that the Pentagon may try to influence public opinion in Germany with undercover propaganda-actions.


Die US-Regierung will die Anti-Kriegsstimmung in verbündeten Staaten wie Deutschland systematisch aufweichen. Angeblich erwägt das US-Verteidigungsministerium eine verdeckte Propaganda-Offensive. ....
...Deutschland wird in dem Bericht ausdrücklich als Ziel geheimer Propaganda-Operationen genannt.

And only two weeks later, this Hunble-character appears on our forum, inviting us to discuss with him the matters of American policy. He even admits that he worked for the US-Army most of his life and has been to every military crisis that the US was involved in.

And after realizing after a while, that he doesnt really stand a chance to influence our opinions the way he wants to, he just tells us to die and disappears!

Maybe he is now off to other german forums, where the members are less well informed and can still be manipulated by his BS ?

What do you think, did we experience a part of the secret propaganda-war against Germany?



29. November 2002
Wenn der gute Mann aus Ami-Land ja ned mehr in das Forum kommt, könnte man ja wieder weiter in deutsch reden, oder? :roll:

Ich denke mein Vorredner hat mit seiner Behauptung ganz recht, denn erst einen auf "Wir sind doch Freunde.. lass uns reden" machen und sich dann aber kräftig verabschieden.



Ritter der ehernen Schlange
10. April 2002
Der Typ war nicht mal im Ansatz dazu bereit, die Aktionen seines Landes auch mal von der anderen Seite zu beleuchten. :roll:

Mag sein, daß er ein Propagandamännchen war wobei ich kaum glaube, daß gerade dieser Typ jemanden überzeugen könnte, der nicht sowieso schon einen US-Altar im Keller hat.


Geheimer Meister
6. Juli 2002
ich denke mal, daß gerade viele us-soldaten sehr auf patriotismus eingeschworen sind.

die zu "überzeugen", oder auf eine andere betrachtungsweise zu bewegen, dürfte nicht ganz einfach sein.


Ritter der ehernen Schlange
10. April 2002
Reticulum schrieb:
die zu "überzeugen", oder auf eine andere betrachtungsweise zu bewegen, dürfte nicht ganz einfach sein.

Ist das nicht aber ein deutliches Armutszeugnis? Gleichgeschaltete, polarisierte Roboter?
Wie kann so ein Mensch ernsthaft glauben, die USA hätte seit dem 2.WK keine Forschungen an modernen ABC-Waffen betrieben?


Geheimer Meister
6. Juli 2002
tja, kommt wohl immer auf den blickwinkel der betrachtungsweise an.

so eine diskussion, über den gesellschaftlichen einfluß auf die bevölkerung hatten wir hier for langer zeit schonmal.

ich vertrete auch heute noch den standpunkt, das die "kriegstreibenden" amerikaner eigentlich garnichts dafür können, in dieser form von uns als solche gesehen zu werden.

gesellschaftspolitische strukturen zwingen sie quasi dazu.
zwingen sie sogar dazu, so zu handeln.
ich meine das durchaus wertefrei - auch ich hadere oft mit mir, ob ich wirklich gegen dieses handeln bin, oder dafür.

genauso werde auch ich, von meinen werten und gesellschaftlichen einflüssen (zu einer überzeugung geprägt) eher zu dieser oder jener meinung tendieren.


Ritter der ehernen Schlange
10. April 2002
Reticulum schrieb:
auch ich hadere oft mit mir, ob ich wirklich gegen dieses handeln bin, oder dafür.

genauso werde auch ich, von meinen werten und gesellschaftlichen einflüssen (zu einer überzeugung geprägt) eher zu dieser oder jener meinung tendieren.
Du machst dir scheinbar wenigstens Gedanken über deine eigene Meinung, wägst ab, "haderst" mit dir.
Diese Art erscheint mir weitaus günstiger als das starre Vertreten von Dogmen.


Vollkommener Meister
17. April 2002
Wäre ich Admin, wüßte die Mail-Addy, dann würde ich mich mal erkundigen, ob der "Arme" vielleicht nur krank ist!

Wahrscheinlich würde er diese Nachfrage auch nur als antiamerikanischen Angriff auffassen! LOL

Admin: Hey Hunble, are you sick? We were worrying about you!

Hunble: Die Admin, die !




Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
Did any of you guys realize this interesting coincidence:

Around the middle of december, we find out that the Pentagon may try to influence public opinion in Germany with undercover propaganda-actions.

And only two weeks later, this Hunble-character appears on our forum, inviting us to discuss with him the matters of American policy. He even admits that he worked for the US-Army most of his life and has been to every military crisis that the US was involved in.

Members of this Forum posted many things at www.freerepublic.com and requested that I join this forum for an honest debate. My German is horrible since I have not been in Germany for 20 years, but I was willing to do so.

I have been personally involved with many aspects of today's issue because of my 20 years in the Army. I did not have college professors or media people telling me how to think for their own political reasons.

I lived and experienced these things first hand. I was in Ryad, Saudi Arabia during the gulf war and was the very first person to see the oil fires on satellite and personally notified the commanding General about this.

This subject is not hypothetical to me, and I have no political reasons to distort the truth. If you have specific questions, I can and will try to answer them to the best of my knowledge.

Instead, I was subjected to nothing but insults, horribly distorted propaganda, and attacks upon America.

Only you can decide who is lying. But be warned, the people who have been lying to you, have an agenda that will end up hurting you personally. They know exactly what they are doing, and you stupidly believe everything that they tell you.

Stalin had a term for people like you and exploited them very well. He was an absolute expert in manipulating the "Useful Idiots."


Geheimer Meister
6. Juli 2002
sorry - nothing personel, but isnt it possible, that you,
and all the guys, dying in this (maybe) war
are "useful idiots", too.

soldiers, fighting and killing people without knowing, what its all about ?

without knowing the real reason ? not the bulls*** of fighting against terrorism in irak.


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
No Sir, for people like me who have been personally involved in world events since 1974 when I joined the Army. it is not a matter of propaganda.

I was there and personally experienced many of these events. My views are based upon things that I have personally witnessed.

I did not join this website to debate political views. People requested that I join this website because of my own personal experience. I was there, and know about many of these things first hand.

Personally, this is a very difficult website for me to use, and I must use translation software to even figure out that ABSENDEN was the correct button for me to press.

If you want to attack America because of your own personal politics, then I am not interested.

If you have specific questions that I may be able to answer, then I will continue to participate on this website.

Your choice.....


Geheimer Meister
6. Juli 2002
it was not my intention to attack america and i apologize if it sound like that.
but i think, there are many point of views, to see a situation.
not only black or white.

i really like to ask you specific questions, but i have to leave now.

hope this was not your last visit.


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
If this is my last visit will depend upon the other answers.

I absolutly love the German people and am German myself. My daughter was born in Neurnberg.

What I will not allow to happen to the Germans that I love so very much, is to have them lied to for political reasons.

If you have specific questions that I have personal knowledge about, then I am more than happy to answer them.

But if you are attacking America or trying to support Socialism, or the Arabian terrorists, then we have absolutly nothing to talk about.


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
JFD schrieb:
Hunble schrieb:
But if you are ..... trying to support Socialism.....

Let me help you. I think the word that you search is comunism


Actually no, I used the correct term. Most people understand that Communism was a horrible disaster and resulted in millions of deaths around the world.

Today, people are using the term Socialism to present a better face upon the same failed ideas. Today, the only reason that Socialism has failed around the world is because we have not placed the correct people to lead the government.

Socialism and Communism will always fail for a very simple reason. Each and every person is an individual and has different needs, desires and abilities. Socialism and Communism are outstanding ideas, until someone has made a choice that they do not want to participate.

When an individual makes a personal choice that Socialism or Communism is not for them, then the government will use their powers to force them. The government has no choice and must demand that everyone obey or the concept of Socialism or Communism will fail.

For the individual that decided not to participate, he will probably end up in prison or being murdered.

This has always been the major flow in Socialism or Communism. They do not allow personal choice. In other words, it is mob rule and the individual no longer matters.

No, I refuse to participate in this debate. However, if you are curious about my views on the subject, then perhaps I have made myself perfectly clear.

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