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This American is waiting...


9. Oktober 2002
You are here to tell us something about the us army.Ok.So tell me why you and your army supported iraq when saddam forced iran into a war.Why there were american generals who coordinated the iraqi troups.1.000.000 people died because you and the other arabs supported saddam against us and now he is the bad guy.When he throwed his gas-bombs on us noone gave a fuck about it and still noone gives a fuck about it.And imagine i was there when the iraqis dropped bombs on us and i always knew who the enemy was.Not the iraqi people but the us and his motherfucking bastard named saddam hossein. you want to be the good guy and save people´s life! That´s really amusing. you want to protect your country from saddam´s bombs?His rockets can hardly reach israel. If Israel fights saddam i even would understand that. He would never give his bombs to terrorists because he isn´t sick of his life. He only attacks people when he thinks that he can win and he knows he got not chance against the usa. So please answer my questions good guy.


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
You are here to tell us something about the us army.Ok.So tell me why you and your army supported iraq when saddam forced iran into a war.Why there were american generals who coordinated the iraqi troops.

I will answer your questions, but I need to know if you understand the history of the situation first.

Tell me about the Americans citizens that were held hostage for over 400 days in Iran after 1978 under President Carter.

Seriously, if you do not understand what happened in Iran, then anything I tell you will simply not be understood.

Believe me, Iran originated this problem and most of the American policies in the Middle East have been a direct result of it.

Why was this so important? Because America was unable to do a single thing about it for over 400 days. That taught terrorist organizations that American were weak and they exploited it.

Today, terrorism is almost considered normal around the world. But I remember a time when it was not the way of things.

America failed to fight back, and thousands of people have died as a result.


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
Iraq declared war upon Iran.

Because of what Iran had done to America, we supported Saddam Hussein and Iraq when they declared war upon Iran. For 8 years, we supported Iraq in their war against Iran.

Sometimes, you are forced to support a bastard, because at least he is your bastard. The alternative is to have him become your enemy also.

America is absoluty responsible for helping Iraq build up his military. As a result, he is our monster, and it is America's responsibility to get him under control once again.

Today, Iraq is a major danger to millions of lives around the world. America is responsible for this, and absolutly must do something about it.

But, never forget about Iran - they will be next......


9. Oktober 2002
because some stupid students took american hostages it was justified that the us supports saddam with weapons that killed 1.000.000 people.Is a american life so much more worth than a iranian or arab? And the hostages were all alive and came back to the us. And i know a lot about the situation there, but u think "if he throws a stone , i can kill his whole family" or what.1.000.000 people vs 400 days as a hostage? You´re kidding.


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
"because some stupid students took american hostages "

If you honestly think that they were just a bunch of stupid students, then we have nothing to talk about.

I am more than willing to discuss actual events and the best solution to deal with them.

What I will not tolerate is absolute ignorance, stupidity or political distortions of historical facts.

When Iran took American citizens hostage, America was proving to be weak. We could do absolutely nothing about it. The Arabs learned that lesson about Americans and the world was terrorized with hostage taking for years after that.

President Regan was elected as a direct result of this event. Regan refused to allow this to ever happen to Americans. NEVER AGAIN!

As a result, Lybia was bombed and we no longer hear from that country. The USSR dissolved because Regan refused to allow them to push America round anymore.

Yes, sometimes, buy standing up strong, you save lives!

And that has always been the goal for Americans.


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
aschura-tassura schrieb:
come to iran , we are waiting!

The students in Iran are ready, willing and able to make the change in their government.

Once we have Afghanistan and Iraq secured, then the college students will do what is needed.

At the moment, America needs to absolutely ignore Iran and allow the citizens in that country to get ready.


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
aschura-tassura schrieb:
because some stupid students took american hostages it was justified that the us supports saddam with weapons that killed 1.000.000 people.Is a american life so much more worth than a iranian or arab? And the hostages were all alive and came back to the us. And i know a lot about the situation there, but u think "if he throws a stone , i can kill his whole family" or what.1.000.000 people vs 400 days as a hostage? You´re kidding.

My, which question was I supposed to answer?

1) Because some stupid students took american hostages it was justified that the us supports saddam with weapons that killed 1.000.000 people

2) Is a american life so much more worth than a iranian or arab?

3) If America is weak, does that not also cause a major problems with countries like Germany that rely upon America to protect them?

The first two questions were so ignorant, that I will not spend any time answering them. Think about it....


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
Seriously, if your country is attacked, who will you go crying to?

Bulgaria? They just joined NATO.

And if your country is attacked, why the hell should Americans help you? So that you can attack us a few years later for killing xxx people in yyy country?

Give me one good reason why America should help you?


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
aschura-tassura schrieb:
You did not´t answer my questions and i am sure you are a fascist .So fuck u and your motherfucking crew!

Now I have assumed that you are at least a college student and have a basic history education.

No insults implied friend, but seriously, you did manage to shock me. At my age, I tend to assume that students are taught a minimum of knowledge.

And yes, I have answered your question very well. Your original questions was based upon false information and I simply pointed it out to you.

1,000,000 Iranian killed - ok, but you totally failed to mention the 1,000,000 Iraqi killed in that war also.

Why is that?

America did not start this war. But yes, we did support one side because of the reasons I told you previously.

Today, Iraq has become a monster. America must do something about it, and to not do so, would be criminal.


Ritter vom Schwert
4. Januar 2003
Hunble schrieb:
America is absoluty responsible for helping Iraq build up his military. As a result, he is our monster, and it is America's responsibility to get him under control once again.

and i thought, this thread was dead - glad to see, it's not...

ok, Hunble, first of all thank you for joining us again - i'm sure, there are a lot of arguments (or views) you are not happy to hear or read. I think, most of our arguments may sound like we don't like your country or your people - but i think, the main reason behind that statements is just that we are afraid of just another stupid and useless war...

Your quoted statement above is - for me - a new view on this situation. Something, i have not seen this way. Maybe you have some information, what the US-Government has to intend for the future in the middle east. Don't you think, Syria, Saudi-Arabia or other regimes could become your monster's of the future?

I would be glad, if i can see a long-term plan for peace in this whole region, but i can't. Maybe you can add some new informations or views in this discussion.

@ ALL:

in my opinion, this thread could be very interesting. I don't think that arguments like that from aschura-tassura will bring us any further. Why don't we just calm down a little bit and try to understand each others position? Maybe we all could benefit from the different views in this discussion.


17. Oktober 2002

As far as I know, the United States supported Iraq long before the iranian students took hostages.

And I don't exactly understand your problem with a socialistic government.


Vollkommener Meister
17. April 2002
@ hunble

Do you really think war is the only left solution for the Middle East, especially Iraq? Wouldnt it worsen the situation or possibly create new "bastards", who will turn against the US after a while?

Which military strategy should or will the US-Army use to minimize casualties (on both sides, I hope!) ?

Do you agree that there is no connection between Iraq and the WTC attack?



Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
and i thought, this thread was dead - glad to see, it's not...

ok, Hunble, first of all thank you for joining us again - i'm sure, there are a lot of arguments (or views) you are not happy to hear or read. I think, most of our arguments may sound like we don't like your country or your people - but i think, the main reason behind that statements is just that we are afraid of just another stupid and useless war...


Why thank you kind sir, and your reply was most welcome. This thread is getting long, so I will try to start a new one tomarrow.

Thursday to Sunday, I am available for debates on this website. Please excuse me for not being able to read the replies on the other days.

I have no problems with an honest debate. History has always demonstrated what happens to people who do not stand up for what they know is correct.

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