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Ritter der ehernen Schlange
10. April 2002
dimbo schrieb:
@ Hunble: Please answer my questions:

Where the fuck are those weapons of mass destruction you guys came to destroy? And where are the terrorists? Remember, regime change wasn't the original motive for going inside Iraq.

Oh, I'm sure, in some days they will find some canisters with a suspicious liquid. Even if this could be staged, Foxnews will believe and so the US will.


13. Februar 2003
ja trasher das glaub ich auch!! am besten wär ja noch wenn da irgendwo MADE IN US stehen würde... :evil:


Auserwählter Meister der Neun
27. September 2002
of course some people are happy. u cant expect them to be smarter than americans who still dont understand that the democracy they understand as freedom is nothing more than a polyarchy.
thats why the us media only wants pling pling money and violence hip hop artists in the charts and not smart rappers like gangstarr or krs one.
ur country is run by an elite of money greedy bastards who keep their people dumb by polarised political discussion and with consumership.
those that should notice theres something wrong are just under group pressure to buy a big house, big car get as many women as possible or to marry and have a beutifull home.
and the unattainable ideals for example for people who live in the ghetto are compensated with ur wicked fun culture.
and while ur population was in panic the repulicans were dismanteling more social security. and now ur stupid oil companies wont most probably even allow the iraq a free market economy till they ve made their treatys for 20 30 years.all the reconstruction that makes the rich in ur country richer.


Vollkommener Meister
24. März 2003
Yeah, Trasher ... i believe that u´re right.

War doesent make any winners.

Soon they´ll recognize that there is no truth in what Bush is telling us.

Many people have died ... so many peolpe .
..and it is not over yet.

Please dont believe that killing People is the way to a peaceful world.
Cause if u do ... we all gotto die before peace starts to exist.

PS:Ich wünschte ich würde noch Worte in Englisch für das Leid finden das die Kinder und die Alten trifft die geflohen sind und ihre Heimat verlassen haben um wieder ein Stück Frieden zu finden.
War es bis jetzt noch entsetzten ... so verwandelt sich der Gedanke an alldie täglichen Lügen und ihre überzeugten Jünger in eine tiefe Depression.


Ritter Rosenkreuzer
10. April 2002


kling ja irre sinnig...
direkt übersetzt also " geht heim menschliche schutzschilder, ihr us- wichser"

also egal wie man es dreht und wendet, die us- wichser bleiben.
shit happens, gell?

was hast du denn aufgrund der dauerbombardements, der toten, verletzten usw. erwartet?


>>Da stand stand vorher nur Humanshields drauf. Die Schilder haben sich die Friedensaktivisten gemacht, die als menschliche4 Schutzschilde in den Irak gereist sind.
Nun haben sie drauf geschrieben GO HOME YOU U.S. WANKERS.<<

genau so ist es, nur so blind amerikahörige typen wie hunble und sein deutsches pendant maxim sehen darin die eitle freude...

träumt mal weiter!


Vollkommener Meister
24. März 2003
Tja... wenn man an etwas unbedingt glauben will dann können einen die Augen und das Hirn auch leicht täuschen.
Geht den grossen Verschwoerungstheoretikern warscheinlich nicht anders.

Oft frag ich mich welcher Teufel diese Leute reitet sodaß ihre Logik und ihr sozialer Glaube derart abstrakt sein können. :?:


Vorsteher und Richter
10. April 2002
jetzt kommt mal alle wieder aufn boden und trampelt nich so auf hunble herum. könnte es vielleicht sein, dass "Today, the American military has liberated the people of Iraq." ironisch gemeint war? und selbst wenn nicht, ist das kein grund sich die köppe einzurennen. wenn ihr andere meinungen nicht respektiert, seid ihr genauso schlimm wie bush und co.


Großer Auserwählter
26. Mai 2002
has anyone seen the weapons of mass destruction Bush told us about?
No? Perhaps they´re in Iran....Hey, that´s a good reason to get more oil!!!!


Geheimer Meister
20. Oktober 2002

I'm quiet sorry you don't want our refreshing discussions no longer? It isn't "DONE" jet, its no Victory! Perhaps it would be a long way to the real "Iraqi Freedom".
Think you're still looking CNN and FOX, ey? Great!
Have a look at, what your President and his thieves will do next. Money is the Reason still because of this War. And too much people died, and they do no harm to anybody.

Good Morning


Vorsteher und Richter
27. September 2002
If he can only argument with pictures of Saddam's political enemys tearing down a Statue, where can we find a statue of GWB to show him his errors?

Dear hunble, did you forget the soviets in Afghanistan?
They thought that they had won. But years later, they had to pull back.

It is good for the Iraqi people to be liberated. But they have been liberated by an unjust giant and now terror will start there.


Erhabener auserwählter Ritter
21. Januar 2003


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
tsuribito schrieb:
Dear hunble, did you forget the soviets in Afghanistan?
They thought that they had won. But years later, they had to pull back.

For 10 years the Soviets fought in Afghanistan and they lost.

It only took the Americans a few months.

Why? Because the Americans gave freedom back to the people of Afghanistan.


Geheimer Meister
29. Januar 2003

You dont exactly know what you are talking about,after their victory over the shah(zar),whatever the afgani communists had asked the Su to "help their afgani brothers",in fact there was a clash between the communist leaders against each other,they wanted the red army to help to defeat the opponents,so the red army was "wellcome",but when arrived,they putched the leader of sozialistic party(he wasnt soviet enought) and so they caused the chaos and the civil war.In first years of war in A the red army wasnt directly involved in fightings,but after the mudjaheddin beat more and more the red afgani troops,they join the "party"

So you cannot compare soviet compaign and Us 2001.
And now we can see that Gi had more success in few month,than soviets in years.

to the question:where are the mass destruction weapons?Wait a bit,when the war is over,they will find them,during the fighting,its impossible.

1)For 10 years the Soviets fought in Afghanistan and they lost.

It only took the Americans a few months.

2)Why? Because the Americans gave freedom back to the people of Afghanistan.

1)They were nor beated by Afganis,it was more like Vietnam,they didnt achiefe anything and went home.
2)Maybe,or because Americans have better army and weapons.


Intendant der Gebäude
25. Februar 2003
( My English is bad, sorry)

A war, which causes hundred of dead children, can't end with a victory!
A war can NEVER end with a victory!
War is the biggest defeat! :evil:
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