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Iraq has decided to recieve.....



Jetzt kommt er die ganze Zeit mit der Öl-Story und will zeigen das die Amerikaner Engel´n sind weil sie ja nicht die Ölreserven der Araber anrühren. :roll:

In meinen Augen hat der Typ einen hängen.
Das ist die typische Marionette die so denkt wie seine Regierung es will.

Mit dem kann man nicht objektiv diskutieren.

Mir reichts...ich geh schlafen.
Bis bald Leute.



Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
BeAwake schrieb:
Jetzt kommt er die ganze Zeit mit der Öl-Story und will zeigen das die Amerikaner Engel´n sind weil sie ja nicht die Ölreserven der Araber anrühren. :roll:

In meinen Augen hat der Typ einen hängen.
Das ist die typische Marionette die so denkt wie seine Regierung es will.

Mit dem kann man nicht objektiv diskutieren.

Mir reichts...ich geh schlafen.
Bis bald Leute.


You are correct, you are a victum of the politically correct police. Hey, at least when I get screwed, I complain aboutit.


Ritter der ehernen Schlange
10. April 2002
You may easily get the air sovereignty but I fear if you try to walk on the ground your coffins will be shipped the other day.

You have no chance against people that have nothing to lose.

So don't tell me you are the greatest!


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
Trasher schrieb:
You may easily get the air sovereignty but I fear if you try to walk on the ground your coffins will be shipped the other day.

You have no chance against people that have nothing to lose.

So don't tell me you are the greatest!

Perhaps you are correct. Seems to me that Germany and Japan got their asses kicked a few years ago.



4. Juli 2002
No Sir, I have no empathy for the bastards that did this to our American citizens in the World Trade Center. On the contrary, I laugh when I see the bastards explode.

denkst du wirklich das das nicht inszeniert war?? es gibt soviele offene fragen! die unteranderem auf harten fakten basieren! es hätte nicht soweit kommen müssen, das tausende von menschen sterben, nur weil bush den krieg in irak will. aber damit er seinen krieg bekommen kann, mußten soviele unschuldige sterben. nicht zuletzt weil der cia schon wenn ich mich nicht irre seit 2 jahren von einem derartigen anschlag wußte aber nicht gehandelt hat.

sry want to write that in english but, there are many words i cant translate & online machine translated text sucks


Geheimer Meister
16. August 2002

Humble wrote:

We have enough troops in the area, and it would be funny to watch. Why does America not do that?

America could maybe hit all arabian countrys, but they couldn´t hold them. It would look like the situation between jews and arabs in Israel and then America could forget the oil on the arabian peninsula!


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
DaMole schrieb:
No Sir, I have no empathy for the bastards that did this to our American citizens in the World Trade Center. On the contrary, I laugh when I see the bastards explode.

denkst du wirklich das das nicht inszeniert war?? es gibt soviele offene fragen! die unteranderem auf harten fakten basieren! es hätte nicht soweit kommen müssen, das tausende von menschen sterben, nur weil bush den krieg in irak will. aber damit er seinen krieg bekommen kann, mußten soviele unschuldige sterben. nicht zuletzt weil der cia schon wenn ich mich nicht irre seit 2 jahren von einem derartigen anschlag wußte aber nicht gehandelt hat.

sry want to write that in english but, there are many words i cant translate & online machine translated text sucks

You know what?

If you had personally protested when President Clinton bombed Baghdad in 1998, then I would consider what you said as being honest. Did you support the bombing of Serbia?

You did not, and you sacrificed your credibility.


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
I3leach schrieb:

Humble wrote:

We have enough troops in the area, and it would be funny to watch. Why does America not do that?

America could maybe hit all arabian countrys, but they couldn´t hold them. It would look like the situation between jews and arabs in Israel and then America could forget the oil on the arabian peninsula!

Japan and Germany were the most powerful nations on Earth.

What happened?


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002

I guess the Germans and French would be upset with the darn Americans.

Cry and piss their diapers?


Geheimer Meister
16. August 2002
I don´t believe that Japan and Germany were the Most powerful nations on Earth, they maybe thought it, but they hadn´t read Sunzis Art Of War.

No one can enslave a complet Nation. America helped Europ after 2WW cause that´s why they became friends. America helped Saudi Arabia, Katar and most other countrys in arabia, thats the reason why they get oil. Iraq is the second biggest oil exporteur, but this must be a coincidence...


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
Trasher schrieb:
Where do you think will your arrogance lead the world to?

What do I want personally?

I want the people of Iraq to become the West Germany of the Middle East.

Is that too much too ask?

Perhaps it is impossible, but this American will support the concept to his absolute best ability.


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
Next time you look at Iraq's military. pay special attention.

Do they have American or Russian weapons?

Think about it....


Geheimer Meister
16. August 2002
If America really want to controll all Arabian countrys they must start a genocide, is America powerfull enough for that? Okay, they have enough weapons to do, but what would the next generation think about this action?

At the other side, it looks like that nobody is interested on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it would be just a little bit bigger.


Geheimer Meister
16. August 2002
The cheap stuff like Tanks (you can call them coffins, too) and Assult Rifles are russian products.

The really dangerous stuff like Anthrax and the chemical weapons are made in America...


Ritter der ehernen Schlange
10. April 2002
Hunble schrieb:
What do I want personally?

I want the people of Iraq to become the West Germany of the Middle East.

Is that too much too ask?

Perhaps it is impossible, but this American will support the concept to his absolute best ability.

You forget that the people in Iraq have a totally different culture. It is wrong to believe, that with an invasion you can bring peace to the country. It is wrong to believe that a democracy is working in Iraq within 5 years.

If you care about the people of Iraq so much, why don't you care about the people in north-korea? Why don't you care about the people in Israel and Palestinia?

You are not primary interested in making peace because then you had to attack some handful countries, where war is usual.


Auserwählter Meister der Neun
11. April 2002
Der ehemalige deutschstämmige jüdische Außenminister, Friedensnobelpreisträger und Unterstützer von massenmordenden Militätjuntas Henry Kissinger formulierte bereits in den 70ern:

"Das Öl ist viel zu wichtig für Amerika, als es den Arabern zu überlassen".

Von dieser Ignoranz fremden Eigentums und Arroganz gegenüber jedermann sind die USA und viele ihrer Bewohner heute mehr denn je fehlgeleitet!


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
I3leach schrieb:
If America really want to controll all Arabian countrys they must start a genocide, is America powerfull enough for that? Okay, they have enough weapons to do, but what would the next generation think about this action?

At the other side, it looks like that nobody is interested on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it would be just a little bit bigger.

You just answered your own question. America has no desire to do such a thing.

Why, are people lying to you and feeding you false information?


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
Trasher schrieb:
If you care about the people of Iraq so much, why don't you care about the people in north-korea? Why don't you care about the people in Israel and Palestinia?

Actually, I do care and want to do something about it. We have played your stupid idea and it has been a total failure.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, even when it never works.

This time, America will change things!

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