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Iraq has decided to recieve.....


Geheimer Meister
16. August 2002
No, i didn´t. America has the desire to controll all Arabian countrys, but they can´t use permanent violence against civilists. They need a friendly ass creeping government, if there is no one, they do all to get on.

Why you ask this questen (Why, are people lying to you and feeding you false information?) again and again? It sound a little bit like a secret agency hearing.


3. Oktober 2002
@Alle Anderen
Ich bin schockiert. Nicht wegen einem verblendeten Amerikaner sondern von all den Anderen die sich auf so ein Niveau herunterziehen lassen.

Disskussion ist zwar eine wichtige Sache, aber Hunble hat doch inzwischen klar gemacht das es keinen Sinn macht mit ihm zu disskutieren.
Er redet von Fakten und bringt doch nichts als Propaganda und Hetzparolen. Keine an ihn gestellte Frage hat er ernsthaft beantwortet.

Zum Glück gibt es auch anders denkende Amerikaner.

Irgendwie drängt es mich aber auch seinen Fragen zu antworten, auch wenn es wahrscheinlich nur mir Hilft meine Gewissen zu beruhigen zumindest was zu ihm gesagt zu haben. Also ...

Du fragst warum Amerika nicht einfach alles Öl der Welt erobert wo ihr doch so mächtig seid?

Zum Einen weil Amerika immernoch versucht ist seine Handlungen zu legalisieren, da sonst Amerika offiziell zu einem Terror Staat wird. Und ich glaube nicht das Amerika wirklich so stark ist sich gegen den Rest der Welt zu stellen, das ist nur grossspuriges Gerede. Daher versuchen die USA ja inzwischen mit Beleidigungen und Drohungen zustimmung zum Krieg zu erhalten.

Zum Anderen hilft es den USA garnichts die Länder zu erobern. Man kann mit keiner Besatzungsmacht ein Land am laufen halten. Es geht darum eine Regierung zu erzwingen die unter der Kontrolle Amerikas steht und Amerika das Öl gibt das es braucht. Billig und verlässlich. So das Amerika sich nichtmehr mit der OPEC rumschlagen muss.
Es geht nicht um die Eroberung sondern um die Kontrolle des Öl.

Und wenn jetzt wieder das Argument kommt das Amerikaner sterben mussten und müssen ... mein Gott, schonmal mitbekommen wie viele Menschen von Amerikanern umgebracht wurden? Und woher kannst du denn in deinem kranken Video erkennen das das böse Terroristen waren die da abgeschossen wurden?

Hunble, wenn du hierauf ernsthaft antworten kannst, dann lass hören ...

@Alle Anderen
Jop, jetzt versuch ich auch mit ihm zu disskutieren, aber irgendwie fühle ich mich dabei ja auch selber blöd ... musste halt meinen Dampf ablassen ... auch wenn es wahrscheinlich sinnlos ist ...


Geheimer Meister
16. August 2002
Ich betrachte es eigentlich mehr als eine willkommene möglichkeit ein bisschen mein eingerostetes Englisch auf vordermann zu bringen. Ob ich nun einer netten Mailfreundin von meinem schönsten Ferienerlebnis erzähle, oder hier mit Humpy diskutiere ist doch völlig nebensächlich... ;)


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
I3leach schrieb:
No, i didn´t. America has the desire to controll all Arabian countrys, but they can´t use permanent violence against civilists. They need a friendly ass creeping government, if there is no one, they do all to get on.

Why you ask this questian (Why, are people lying to you and feeding you false information?) again and again? It sound a little bit like a secret agency hearing.


Like I keep telling you, if the goal of America was to obtain oil, we could do it very rapidly.

Obviously, your basic concept is wrong.

It is interesting to listen to how you justify your false concepts. This is very informative to me personally, as a scientist.


Geheimer Meister
16. August 2002
No, you couldn´t. You have to kill many million people, if you want to realise what you want. America is powerfull, but not powerfull enough to controll the world.


Geheimer Meister
16. August 2002
I said: They need a friendly ass creeping government, if there is no one, they do all to get on.

Sadam was this ass creeping bastard (remember: "He is a bastard, but he is our bastard"). As he show that America never could controll him, USA tried to eliminate his government. Now America need a new bastard. And hey, America want a new bastard, they will get a new bastard. But please don´t tell in ten years everybody again how bad this ass is.


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
I3leach schrieb:
I said: They need a friendly ass creeping government, if there is no one, they do all to get on.

Saddam was this ass creeping bastard (remember: "He is a bastard, but he is our bastard"). As he show that America never could control him, USA tried to eliminate his government. Now America need a new bastard. And hey, America want a new bastard, they will get a new bastard. But please don´t tell in ten years everybody again how bad this ass is.

Like a little puppy that shits on the floor, I will save your replies about this issue. So, please do not get too upset when I rub your nose in your own shit a few months from now.

Been there, done that. I had a wonderful time after the first Gulf War.


Ritter der Sonne
12. Mai 2002
Hunble schrieb:
Trasher schrieb:
If you enjoy such videos like the one you'd linked to, you are loving nobody.


As I watch the video of Americans jumping out of the WTC building because they had no other options. As I watch the video of Americans going spat when they reached the ground.

No Sir, I have no empathy for the bastards that did this to our American citizens in the World Trade Center. On the contrary, I laugh when I see the bastards explode.

well and someone has to bleed for this..



how blind can one be?

usa attacks foreign counties... one day this mentality will cause the american people much more pain than they suffered in 9 11 ..

well the people hasn`t earned what the politicians have caused but they will have to suffer...

can`t you see, that the american nation became a target because the fucked up politic it`s goverment has done all the years?

why do you think the people in many countries burn the stars and stripes?

what do you think how grew the hate in this people?

oh surly.. they are evil.. satan posseses em... all is so easy if you can divide the world in black and white....

like little children... strong an clever enough to use weapons but to simple made to think about what they do.

Like a little puppy that shits on the floor, I will save your replies about this issue. So, please do not get too upset when I rub your nose in your own shit a few months from now.

Been there, done that. I had a wonderful time after the first Gulf War.

dont you see how arrogant you are?


Geheimer Meister
16. August 2002
Slowly i come to the result that you must have some little cognitiv problems.

You said: America could use military power to get all arabian oil, if they really want. I explained you why this is complete bullshit. You need a dictatorship in every arabian country, a loyal bastard. THEY WANT THE OIL, UNDERSTOOD? ;)

You really had a wounderfull time after Sadam fighted with the Mullahs? Or are you speaking about the second gulf war as iraq attaced kuwait?


Geheimer Meister
16. August 2002
America is the reason for this all. The problem is that the USA is powerfull enough to destabilize the world, but you are not powerfull enough to repair this shit.


Ritter der Sonne
12. Mai 2002
well said.

yes in fact it is easy to try solving the problems around.

but it is nearly impossible to solve the problems realy.

all what the usa do ( while beliving doing the best ) is making the situation worse.

if you are not qualified to repair a tv-set then you shoul not try it.. it could be dangerous.

well to "repair" the world you must have a team...

yes it is a team-game. you can not solve the problems alone.. in fact the usa could help more if they would pay to the un as they once promised instead to create the most effectiv army the world has seen.

but... why do i write in in english.. you will ignore it like you ignore all what we write in here... you have your opinion hunble and you will never be able to take that point of view.....

i think in fact humans live in different worlds.. some live in worlds which seem like armoured fortresses .... well ... you live in such a fortress armyman.


Geheimer Meister
16. August 2002
It´s sad to see that there are really ignorant people on this planet. You have not a point of view, you have fanatic religion. But it´s to early to write away...

Good fight, good ni... ähm morning.

PS: Thanks for the free english exercises


6. Februar 2003
well yeah...
maybe this guy is a bit arrogant, but hey: who didn't know that americans act like this lately?

i mean, in Germany we know why we're not having war:
because we experienced it in the past, we suffered under it, and we know ourselves, how war affects us in europe. americans never had the "great" experience to have war on their own soil, and maybe that's why they think war is just a cool adventure in which they can seek profit.

let this bastard talk, and keep the good will in mind, because Germans have changed during the last century. they know, that you should question authority and government's action. maybe Americans have to learn and experience it on their own...

greetings home to germany,

US DO NOT :wink:


Ritter Kadosch
10. April 2002
Never, ever piss Americans off!

We will hunt our enemy down like pigs.

Oh yes, I remember: You hunted down the Viet-Cong after you hunted down the North-Korean Army. In Afghanistan you hunted down Bin Laden and the al-Quaida and in the early 90ties you hunted down Saddam.
I really have to congratulate America to this really impressive hunting quote.
Frankly, Mr. Hunble, I can´t remember a single war (that wasn´t against some small banana republic island) that can be claimed as full victory for the U.S. since 1945. Or can you ?


8. Februar 2003
Hello Hunble! I will tell you something: When i was a child and a teen, i was always dreaming of a far away Land like your´s, the U.S.A. And why? I have always looked on your "Dreamworld", this funny Land, where all seems to be much better and greater as in the rest of the World. With your Lifestyle, your great Movies and Soaps. The Music and so on. My Father "helped" me, to be inspired by Yours. He was a Child of the "German Wirtschaftswunder"(Do you know that GERMAN Word? I heard, some Americans think almost today, we have the Adolf. By the way....) Oh, what he loves the Americans. They gave the german Childrens after the 2nd Worldwar her (shit) Hershey Chocolate, and there wonderful Coke and so on. Naturally after the Americans have bombed down our Citys and killed the Civil People. My Mother looked, how her Friends died in a Fire at a roof of a House. Caused by your Bombs. (Before she was happy, that the german Nazis don´t catch anyone of them!!). Your Nation has one of the greatest Rassism of the World. You murdered the Indians, you murdered the coloured (And do it again. Youll happy, when the coloured in the Ghettos of your Citys make driveby-Shoots in case of Gang-Wars)At this Time we have all the great shit, which came with you, the Americans. Including big Drug-Problems and many other Things. I have a Aunt in Pennsylvania. She´s gone in the 50´s in your Land. She was blind. Today, she wants to go back. But she says, shes to old now. No Way out.....In the early 70´s she was here for a visit. My Father went to the Airport with an OLDS 98. As my Aunt and her Friend takes Place in this Car, they both don´t know which one it is. After my Father told it is an Olds,they asked him: Since what Time you have American Cars in KRAUTLAND? The Story, that most of the Americans will live behind the moon, had become new truth. My Father always drives American Cars, till today. It is his Kind till now, to live the American-Dream(Which Dream?). I´ll do it like my father, till I was about 20 years. Since this Time my Brain beginns to Work. Inspired by Your last "great War", Operation Dessert Storm. Your Nation (Not all the Civil-People) is full of Lies against the own Population and the rest of the World. You also can´t fight a War Man to Man. Just Your Bombs and modern War-Equipment. (Like Hiroshima, think of all the Woman and Childrens). My Dream of America is forgotten. It was surely hard for You, with the WTC last Year. And all people who died there; I will pray for it and her Familys. But are YOU sure, youre alone with this in the World? You can not believe, that this now happens in glory U.S.A. And who had really done this, the Truth will never come out! Fact: I love all the People in the World. Americans(sorry,no really Americans available. You a Nation of all others!), Yellows, Jewish, Coloured. I Know the following, did you too?: ""All man are created equal" by A. Lincoln. Just one thing. But no one must lie to me. And no one should speek lies to many People and Nation, to get the People to make War against. And exactly this your Mr. President will do. Like our Adolf and all the other Dictators in Present and Past. The Sad Thing is: No Lands People really learned of the Mistakes of the Past. One Man came, and all the other will follow him. Without using her own brain, and asking, if it is good. I will never go in a War against a other, only why a big Asshole told it to me. Not for germany, USA or other Countrys. Do You have Children? What will your Wife told them, when you never get home after a war? Did they told them the truth about the Madness of war? How blind their father was? Or did they lie against People like irakis To see grow up her own Children as Gi´s for the Next Generation. To get murdered in another silly war? Enjoy Your Life, and think about my Words . In case you must fight for Your Mr.(Shit Nazi)Bush-President. Greetings.


Ritter der ehernen Schlange
10. April 2002
Like usdonot said:

The USA has no experiences what war on the own ground means. Europe has experienced more wars than the US will ever fight. Maybe this is a kind of learning process for the USA but I fear that, different to europe, the whole world will suffer from this war.

We fought enough wars to tell you that you are wrong.

Europe knows, the US do not. :cry:


Ritter der Sonne
12. Mai 2002
well i think that`s it.

but instead you have learned from the fascist desaster in europe which went hand in hand with war and spying out the own people, which went hand in hand with an apprupt end of freedom of speech and thought the us-administration is on it`s way to continue that failure.

i say continue that failure cause the usa are a little bit fascist since a long time... in the usa there where couloured segregated from the white by law in times where the europs hardly tried to integrate foreign looking people.

while in europe every nation ever had the experience, that it never could act alone, that politics means a teamgame with the other nations, the usa could act like living on a own planet most time.

you can not realy act such way. even if you trie to conquer the world you can not act like beeing alone.

Angel of Seven

Großer Auserwählter
23. Juli 2002
Hi Foris,

Ich glaube es wird Zeit Hunble mal zu verteidigen! Bitte bedenkt das es sich bei um Hunble um einen Vollblutsoldaten handelt, der schon ganz aufgeregt ist, weil ja seine Kameraden bald in den Krieg ziehen dürfen und er Zuhause bleiben muß. :cry: Beim amerikanischen Militär werden (euch ist es sicher auch schon aufgefallen) nicht gerade die hellsten Köpfe eingestellt, weil einfache Menschen sich einfach besser manipulieren lassen, einfache Menschen brauchen einfache Wahrheiten, und die werden ihnen mittels Gehirnwäsche in der Grundausbildung bis zum Erbrechen eingehämmert. Redet mal mit euren Ur- oder Großvätern, die in der Wehrmacht gedient haben, die haben das auch alles vom ganzen Herzen geglaubt was ihnen bein Militär eingehämmert wurde (teiweise heute!!! noch). Bei dieser Gehirnwäsche geht es nicht nur um militärische Dinge, sondern hauptsächlich um ein militärisches, rechtes "Weltbild", was ja auch erfolgreich von den Oberen vorgelebt wird. (das man als einfacher Soldat niemals dahin kommen wird, wird natürlich verschwiegen). So entstehen dann solche gloreichen Thesen wie "Heldentod", "Ehre", "soldatisches Pflichtbewußtsein bis in den Tod" und weiterer Krampf.
Diese Soldaten sind dann wie Kinder die geführt werden wollen und denen eigene selbstverantwortliche Entscheidungen ( und Denken!) fast völlig fremd sind. Und diese "Kinder" lesen selbstverständlich keine "Washington Post" oder "New York Times" (wenn doch, verstehen sie nicht was darin gemeint ist) sondern extra für sie geschaffene Märchenbücher oder auch moderne Märchenfilme, indem ihr falsches Weltbild glorifiziert wird.
Deswegen war Hunbles Video ein seelischer Aufschrei an uns: "Hier, seht selber, es stimmt alles was ich gesagt habe, seht doch wie schön alles funktioniert, der böse Terrorist ist doch jetzt tot und kann meinem Land und meiner Familie nichts mehr böses tun, warum glaubt mir denn keiner?"
Nun stellt sich natürlich die Frage warum er nun ausgerechnet in Deutschland und dann sogar in einem sehr "weltbildkritischen" Forum seine "Märchenthesen" bestätigt haben möchte? Ich verrate es euch: Sein "höheres Selbst" (Psychologen würden vielleicht "kindliches Unterbewußtes" sagen, kommt faktisch aufs selbe raus) weiß natürlich das "Menschen wie Schweine jagen" und "Töten an sich" seiner "Seele" nicht gut tut und faktisch einen herben Rückschritt in seiner "spirituellen Weiterentwicklung" (Psychologen würden vielleicht: "humane Weiterentwicklung der Persönlichkeit sagen) bedeutet. Seine daraus resultierenden unterbewußten "Gewissensbisse" zwingen ihm immer wieder hierhin um vielleicht doch noch (gerade vor so kritischen Publikum) eine Bestätigung seiner satanischen "Märchenwelt" zu erhaschen, was aber natürlich nicht geschehen wird, und deswegen wird er wütend. Wie ein Kind, welches man im Spielzeugladen einen Wunsch verwehrt, trampelt er wütend auf den Boden, versucht in seiner kindlichen Art an die "Vernunft" der "Erwachsenen" zu appellieren. man möge ihm doch den langersehnten Teddybär kaufen :lol: Sein "Inneres" ist sich sehr wohl bewußt das er sein Leben lang verarscht wurde und schickt ihn immer wieder hierhin, genauso wie ein Alkoholiker immer mal wieder die Nähe von Menschen sucht die ihm ins Gewissen reden (besser gesagt sein Gewissen stärken) um von der Sauferei loszukommen.
Also, bitte nicht alles so ernst nehmen was Hunble schreibt, er ist sicherlich nicht der "Typische Amerikaner"! :wink:

lichtvolle Grüße

Angel of Seven


Ritter der Sonne
12. Mai 2002

angel of seven ich danke dir für diese erhellende analyse :wink:

aber trotzdem geht mir regelmäßig das messer in der tasche auf und piekt unangenehm wenn ich hunble`s tolle beiträge so lese

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