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Rumsfeld:Deutschland und Frankreich sind ein Problem


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
forcemagick schrieb:
forced to fight?

forced by bush?

Yes, forced to fight. At any time during the last 12 years, Iraq could simply turn over thier illegal weapons.

My, what a simple idea!

Instead, Iraq has chosen war as their best option. Next month, we will all watch how stupid that choice was.


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
forcemagick schrieb:
forced to fight?

forced by bush?

Yes, forced to fight. At any time during the last 12 years, Iraq could simply turn over thier illegal weapons.

My, what a simple idea!

Instead, Iraq has chosen war as their best option. Next month, we will all watch how stupid that choice was.


Geheimer Meister
26. Dezember 2002
forcemagick schrieb:
forced to fight?

forced by bush?

Oh believe me, I have been watching the "very brave men" of Germany. Pissing and shitting in their diapers and crying like a baby.

The men of Germany are totally impotent today. No wonder German women no longer get pregnant as often.

Giggle, can you demonstrate that I am wrong?


Vorsteher und Richter
10. April 2002
I guess this is you presenting us facts again? :lol:
You are just ludicrous.

The men of Germany are totally impotent today. No wonder German women no longer get pregnant as often.

Well, I can't complain actually. :wink:
Do you know what I really appreciate with German men?
They grow up early.




Vollkommener Meister
16. Juli 2002
Hunble schrieb:
Never, ever piss Americans off!
We will hunt our enemy down like dogs.

yes. if it goes against any low-tec enemys.

the north-koreans are definetly threaten you.
does this is not pissing you off ? just ignore the
actions of your gouverment. there are acting more
like thiefs and liars then "hunters".

- QuadWord


Ritter der ehernen Schlange
10. April 2002
Hunble, take your perverted video an go home. You already posted the link and your nazi slogans in another thread.


Ritter der Sonne
12. Mai 2002
Hunble schrieb:
forcemagick schrieb:
forced to fight?

forced by bush?

Yes, forced to fight. At any time during the last 12 years, Iraq could simply turn over thier illegal weapons.

My, what a simple idea!

Instead, Iraq has chosen war as their best option. Next month, we will all watch how stupid that choice was.

ah ja.

if i say the usa should hand over all its illegal weapons ( i mean weapons that are against the "Genfer Konvention" ... so i mean gasweapons or biological warheads) i could wait for a long time i would be ignored.
would i now say:
"give me all your illeagal weapons or i will bomb your shit out of you"

well what would happen?


Vorsteher und Richter
27. September 2002
Well since American forces killed many innocent people, we could just bomb your country to the ground, kill your wives and family and say it was justice because your Leaders are killing their own people (death penalty) and we have to liberate you.

We could say that you have no rights because you posses weapons of mass destruction and won't hand them over to us.
You also attacked many states and so you are a danger to the stability of world peace.
And we also have proof for that.

But we will not do it, because it won't solve our problems. Invading countries for absolutly no reason is just nonsense.
Saddam Hussein was one of the first leaders, who spoke his condolencies for the victims of the 11.9 attacks. There is no connection between Al Quaida and Iraq.
Al Quaida would want the US to attack Iraq because they hate Saddam.


Ritter der ehernen Schlange
10. April 2002
Every fool can see the obvious link between Iraq and Al Qaeda:

Al Qaeda - IraQ

Hey Mr. Powell, a new evidence, hm? This time I won't tell anybody that you got it from another country.

:wink: :roll:

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