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Verschwörungstheorien Marke Eigenbau


Ritter vom Osten und Westen
10. April 2002
What They Don't Want You to Know
In order to understand World Domination you need to realize that everything is controlled by a Party made up of Arabians with help from Freemasory.
The conspiracy first started during Cuba crisis in New York. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including WTC destruction.

Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by the rings on their fingers.

They want to destroy Gerhard Schröder and imprison resisters in tombs using cars.

In order to prepare for this, we all must fight for freedom. Since the media is controlled by Illuminats you should get our information from me.

Erstellt mit: http://www.cjnetworks.com/~cubsfan/conspiracy.html


5. Mai 2002
Das is doch mal was sinnvolles, man muss sich nicht was suchen was einem gefällt und andere Leute damit paranoid machen, man kann sich jetzt selbst was erfinden *g*

Der Verschwoerungstheorienbausatz, genau das hat noch gefällt, um mein Leben perfekt zu machen :))


Mein Englisch ist nicht mehr so gut.

Um was geht es in diesem Text denn?



Ritter vom Osten und Westen
10. April 2002
Was sie vor uns verbergen wollen!
Um die Weltregierung zu verstehen, musst du wissen, dass alles von einer Partei von Arabern kontrolliert wird, die vom Freimaurertum unterstützt werden.
Die Verschwörung nahm ihren Anfang während der Kubakrise in NY und ist verantwortlich für viele historische Ereignisse, u.A. die Zerstörung des WTC.

Heute sind die Mitglieder der Verschwörung überall. Sie können durch die Ringe an ihren Fingern identifiziert werden.

Sie wollen Gerhard Schröder vernichten und ihre Gegner mit Autos in Gräbern einsperren.

Um sie aufzuhalten, müssen wir alle für die Freiheit kämpfen! Da die Medien durch die Illuminaten kontrolliert sind, solltet ihr alle Information von mir beziehen.


also die sache mit den ringen ist mir auch nicht geheuer,
digitaluhren übrigens auch nicht :)


Ritter Kadosch
10. April 2002
Erschreckend: Hab das ganze mal meine Freundin testen lasse, weil sie das Ding noch nicht kannte (mein Name hier ersetzt durch meinen Nick).
Sie kam zu folgendem Ergebnis:

What They Don't Want You to Know
In order to understand underwater ballet you need to realize that everything is controlled by a bunch made up of white rastafarians with help from karaoke maniacs.
The conspiracy first started during the birth of AgentP in Bad Reichenhall. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including the export of german singers like Sarah Connor.

Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by stinky fingers.

They want to diet Karl Moik and imprison resisters in Castrop-Rauxel using draisines.

In order to prepare for this, we all must wear panties above our trousers. Since the media is controlled by Courtney Love we should get our information from Thomas Helmer.


Ritter vom Osten und Westen
10. April 2002
The Metal Conspiration

In order to understand the Metal conspiration you need to realize that everything is controlled by a a resistánce made up of the Metallers with help from Gothic.
The conspiracy first started during fall of the german wall in Berlin. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including WTC destruction.

Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by their guitars.

They want to use their guitars for beating George "Peacekeeper" Bush and imprison resisters in tombs using teleportation.

In order to prepare for this, we all must hear other types of music. Since the media is controlled by Marilyn Manson we should get our information from Gerhard Schröder.

The capitalistic Conspiration

In order to understand capitalism you need to realize that everything is controlled by a a group made up of the capitalists with help from the illuminatz.
The conspiracy first started during foundation of BRD in New York. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including breakdown of the Soviet union.

Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by the dollar symbols in their eyes.

They want to ruin Gregor Gysi and imprison resisters in safes using cars.

In order to prepare for this, we all must spend no more money. Since the media is controlled by Bill Gates we should get our information from PsychoLuna.


Ritter der Sonne
12. Mai 2002
:lol: prima sache so ein bausatz... :lol:

geht so ein bisschen in die richtung, die ich mal kommerziell nutzen wollte....

religionsdesign für den anspruchsvollen kunden... bestellen sie noch heute ihr individuelles glaubenssystem für jeden bedarf.....

egal ob schlichte heirat oder gepflegter fanatismus mit millionen anhängern... hier bekommen sie alles...

tja... leider hab ich mein firmenkonzept noch keiner bank vorstellen können...auch an mitarbeitern mangelt es mir im moment noch...

naja vielleicht wirds ja noch was... läßt sich richtig knete mit machen... ( siehe katholische kirche )



Beatus ille, qui procul negotiis.
10. April 2002
What They Don't Want You to Know

In order to understand rules of making Pizza you need to realize that everything is controlled by a taxi driver made up of country music fans with help from english teachers.
The conspiracy first started during release of Pink Floyd's "The Wall" in Berlin Alexanderplatz. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including birth of Jesus Christ.

Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by chewing nails.

They want to kick ass secret agents and imprison resisters in White House using ships.

In order to prepare for this, we all must jump down a skyscraper. Since the media is controlled by Michael Jackson we should get our information from the pope.


Vollkommener Meister
16. Juli 2002

What They Don't Want You to Know
In order to understand free beer ! you need to realize that everything is controlled by a peoples from berlin made up of bavarians with help from katholic priests.
The conspiracy first started during worldwar II. in munich. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including the return of the messiah.

Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by jumping naked in the rain.

They want to remove the pope and imprison resisters in hell using a reality-shift.

In order to prepare for this, we all must steal the cross. Since the media is controlled by other peoples we should get our information from weltverschwoerung.de.


Ritter vom Osten und Westen
10. April 2002

What They Don't Want You to Know

In order to understand how the Vatican dominates the World you need to realize that everything is controlled by a A group made up of christian Fanatics with help from the PBC.
The conspiracy first started during the crucification of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including the Election of G.W. Bush as US President.

Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by necklaces with crucifixes around their necks.

They want to Burn down Marilyn Manson and imprison resisters in in a church using planes.

In order to prepare for this, we all must not obey the katholic church or PBC. Since the media is controlled by the pope we should get our information from Ozzy Osbourne.

Was sie vor dir verbergen wollen

Um zu verstehen, wie der Vatikan die Welt beherrscht, müsst ihr wissen, dass alles von einer Gruppe christlicher Fanatiker beherrscht wird, die von der PBC unterstützt werden. Die Verschwörung nahm ihren Anfang während der Kreuzigung von Jesus Christus in Nazareth. Sie sind für viele Ereignisse der Geschichte verantwortlich, wie z.B. die Wahl G.W. Bushs zum amerikanischen Präsidenten.

Heute sind Mitglieder der Verschwörung überall! Sie können durch ihre Kruzifix-Halsketten erkannt werden.

Sie wollen Marilyn Manson verbrennen und Widerständler in Kirchen einsperren.

Um darauf zu reagieren, dürfen wir der katholischen Kirche oder PBC nicht vertrauen. Da die Medien vom Papst kontrolliert werden, müssen wir alle Informationen von Ozzy Osbourne beziehen.


Meister vom Königlichen Gewölbe
10. April 2002
The conspiracy first started during birth of Jesus in Kleindehsa. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including MTV Music Awards 2001.

Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by snoozing.


In order to prepare for this, we all must go to the toilet. Since the media is controlled by Harald Schmidt we should get our information from Bill Gates.


30. März 2003
What They Don't Want You to Know
In order to understand bad music you need to realize that everything is controlled by a band made up of Thomas Anders and Dieter Bohlen with help from Viva, RTL and RTL 2.
The conspiracy first started during the foundation of modern talking in Germany. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including the war in Afghanistan.

Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by their annoying songs, which make your ears ache.

They want to torture all people with good music taste, with playing songs of their own and from Bro'sis, No Angels usw. and imprison resisters in a Modern Talking Concert using security guides.

In order to prepare for this, we all must cut our hairs into a Mohawk. Since the media is controlled by Modern Talking we should get our information from Marilyn Manson.

Um schlechte Musik zu verstehen, musst du realisieren, das alles von einer Band von Thomas Anders und Dieter Bohlen kontrolliert wird, mit Hilfe von VIVA, RTL,RTL 2.
Die Verschwoerung begann waehrend der Gruendung von Modern Talking in Deutschland.

Sie sind verantwortlich fuer viele geschichtliche Geschehnisse, eingeschlossen dem Krieg in Afghanistan.

Heute sind die Mitglieder der Verschwoerung ueberall.Sie koennen identifiziert werden durch ihre nervigen songs, die Ohrenschmerzen verursachen.

Sie wollen, alle Leute mit gutem Musikgeschmack foltern in dem sie ihre eigenen Lieder und die von Bro'sis, No Angels usw. spielen. Und sie sperren Widerstaendler in ein Modern Talking Konzert mit Hilfe von Security Guides.

Um uns davor zu schuetzen, muessen wir uns alle einen Mohawk schneiden lassen. nachdem die medien von modern talking kontrolliert werden, sollten wir unsere Informationen von Marilyn Manson beziehen.

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