Ritter Rosenkreuzer
- 20. März 2003
- 2.785
"Nicht-tödliche" und "weniger-tödliche" Waffen werden vermehrt eingeplant und auch eingesetzt, um Demonstrationen schnell und relativ unblutig aufzulösen.
Neben den Ankündigungen von Mikrowellenwaffen, die künftig gegen große Menschenmengen etwa im Iraq gerichtet werden sollen, finden in den USA selbst bisher schon einige andere "nicht- letale" und "weniger- letale" Waffen Anwendung.
Am 21. Oktober wurde die 21jährige Journalistik- Studentin Victoria Snelgrove durch eine "less lethal weapon" getötet:
Einige Meldungen von Indymedia:
Zeigt sich da etwa schon jetzt eine sehr niedrige Hemmschwelle?
Und wie sind eurer Meinung nach die Aussichten für Europa?
Neben den Ankündigungen von Mikrowellenwaffen, die künftig gegen große Menschenmengen etwa im Iraq gerichtet werden sollen, finden in den USA selbst bisher schon einige andere "nicht- letale" und "weniger- letale" Waffen Anwendung.
Am 21. Oktober wurde die 21jährige Journalistik- Studentin Victoria Snelgrove durch eine "less lethal weapon" getötet:
According the manufacturer, "The projectiles have been specially designed to break up on impact, thereby eliminating any risk of penetration injury." However, the officer shot Snelgrove in the eye, in defiance of the manufacturer's recommended use and basic common sense.
Einige Meldungen von Indymedia:
Boston: On Thursday, November 4, the Boston Area Faculty Group on Public Issues, the National Lawyers Guild and the Save Our Civil Liberties (SOCL) Campaign issued a public demand for an immediate moratorium on police use of so-called "non-lethal" and "less-lethal" weapons.
Tucson: Police made it a point to harass and repress an energetic but peaceful march on November 3. Cops immediately targeted known activists, including Keith McHenry, founder of Food Not Bombs, who was singled out and arrested within the first 15 minutes of the march. Tucson Police Department (TPD) indiscriminately used a new weapon – an air rifle that fires small paint-ball style bullets filled with CS gas – against marchers. Although TPD claims to have only fired four pepper balls, more than four welts have been documented.
imc geek, 15.10.2004 07:33
On Thursday the 14th, around 200 non-violent protesters gathered in peaceful demonstration to unWelcome George W. Bush in Jacksonville were attacked without provocation by police using pepper spray and less-than-lethal projectiles fired at close range.
Zeigt sich da etwa schon jetzt eine sehr niedrige Hemmschwelle?
Why are they more dangerous? The erroneous perception that they are "safer" only increases the likelihood that police will use them - thereby increasing the amount of violent force used by police on the streets. In the last few years, we have seen police routinely turn to the use of less lethal weapons as a substitute for negotiation and communication in crowd control situations. This trend seriously increases - not decreases - the potential for harm.
The incredible irony is that if the police were carrying only their REAL lethal weapons the other night, they would have been forced to show more restraint and that young woman might still be alive.
Und wie sind eurer Meinung nach die Aussichten für Europa?