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John Titor

John Titor

28. September 2010
yes i do, rtfm!


#france, #germany, spain, #denmark, italy, #cesk, gb , 3 or 4 should be very vigilantly until #countdown
12:12 AM Sep 29th via web
what is the main news in your country today? 4-oct-2010, you´re in germany (europe), right now!

Bitte kein rot verwenden, das ist der Moderation vorbehalten.
Malakim, Mod

ok. by the way, in our timestroke there were several activities but not in berlin as they tell it today in the news headlines. it was something on potsdamer platz station. they evacuate it but it only came out as false alarm. in cologne the hte dom will close rapidly, even the station in the near. in gb the big ben was evacuated and in paris the eiffel tower is not allowed to visit and they were in troubble with some metrostations. during this there is a dramatic hostage and amok situation in northern europe #denmark # netherland #norway
it seems that these timestrokes were similar but not as bad theier expected and prepaired for.

John Titor - Stupidedia - Die Enzyklopädie ohne Sinn (Wissen sie bescheid ? Nein ? Wir auch nicht !)

if you ask me if i know. in my expections the stock market in frankfurt (in this time between oct 2010 til 2011-1-31, not all the time, one time) will be closed for a moment ´cause they ´re collecting themselves to going there in this moment, right now. you´re right thats my speculation from now, today, here and only subjectivly. other i told maybe is more truly. in fact it´s done. over than 18 years!
but one thing i guess. always think for yourself in any case. you dont. it isnt helpfully for yourself only to google a keyword with your small builded windows machine to post a wiki article as your answer for all.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:


Geheimer Meister
28. Februar 2010
AW: John Titor

it isnt helpfully for yourself only to google a keyword with your small builded windows machine to post a wiki article as your answer for all.

Sorry, but I only posted this, cause I found Stupidedia - the encyclopedia without a sense so funny. It wasn't my intention to lead a discussion about you.
I'm really interested in what you say and I had a lot of questions, but my english is not so good that i can discuss in english.

it was something on potsdamer platz station. they evacuate it but it only came out as false alarm. in cologne the hte dom will close rapidly, even the station in the near. in gb the big ben was evacuated and in paris the eiffel tower is not allowed to visit and they were in troubble with some metrostations. during this there is a dramatic hostage and amok situation in northern europe #denmark # netherland #norway

When will it happen ?


auch wenn es in Foren nicht üblich ist auf Rechtschreibfehler hinzuweisen, dürft ihr gerne mein Englisch verbessern, fals ich irgendwo Fehler gemacht habe; ist sogar ausdrücklich erwünscht

John Titor

28. September 2010
AW: John Titor

what more could i say? if you read the lines (twitts facestats) you came to conclusion that it makes sense, mainly on tumblr.
the german government is downplayin the hazard. there are reasons for caused in the problems they have with the folk. the make such horrible mistakes at this time. in particular case the social one. they were intrested to distract you and the plan behind what really bring to terminated will be hinted indeed. what they dont know is that they ´re just a jumping jack of one other. listen, when the time has come, the folk will stand up in europe and even in germany too in a revolutionary way. dont you recognize they display an incredible arrogance, they waste yours money, they kept back that your in risk. they increase their parliamentary allowance, they bestow your money in bad banks, war and support other nations without value received. the will topple the government after this and snap ele

John Titor

28. September 2010

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Lieber John Titor, überlege dir bitte mal was du hier besprechen willst "
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:

John Titor

28. September 2010
AW: John Titor

the easiest way to prove what i said, in fact when i posted is to view my timestamps on tumblr,twitter and facebook too. further the comments i added nearly one week lather than.

a posting with only one word or a link you do´ve done for a couple of days isnt a logic reaction for a member even dont moderator.

wake up.

think for yourself in any case but be true, you red the things f.e. from september i post on twitter, tumblr and facebook? yes you did it! and in fact any headlines quote the fox news from october 4 this year that europe states should be vigilantly.
there is more about earthquake in japan, the provocation in israel, the stock market, gold price and much more you can prove it for yourself.

dont kidding me!
better you read the manual as long as you can see.

a lot of good
John (here from oct2010 until 2011-1-31)


29. September 2011
AW: John Titor

Ansich finde ich das Thema total spannend und interessant...ob es glaubwürdig und vorallem auch realistisch ist, ist ein anderes Thema. Denn wer hätte es vor Jahren für möglich gehalten, dass man "fliegen" kann, sprich Menschen in der Luft zu befördern. Heute wird die Fliegerei als völlig gewöhnlich gehalten, also nichts spektakuleres. Nun ja, eine Zeitmaschine...das grenzt meiner Ansicht nach schon an Glaubwürdigkeit. Solange man es nicht mit eigenen Augen gesehen und am eigenen Leib gespürt hat, kann man sich das Ganze nicht wirklich vorstellen. Wie soll das denn funktionieren?? Natürlich kann sich jeder Wissenschaftler hinstellen und behaupten, dass er/sie eine Zeitmaschine gebaut hat. Meine Skepsis diesem Thema gegenüber ist gewaltig, aber genau dieses Nicht-Wissen reizt meine Neugier um so mehr. Schon verwirrend...:troest2:

Colin Titor

30. August 2020
AW: John Titor

to much signs makes people stupid, thats why i´ve been placed here again. if you ´re walking in my shoes. you excpect more imagination and sin from people. but if i was you you or you, i even couldn´t take part to really believe in me. the reasons ´re that its to complex or to simply. even ten years before or later, however i consider the only advise i can give. think for yourself in any case! we got still problems, in fact we ´re in 2038. if we care about one to onother i could make possible to leave a channel on internet www, so i can see into by my next stop in 2020 tomorrow. until then ( ten years from today ) we can exchange some little secrets about how the world is goin on, political, finance, gambling, bets and more.

John Titor.
Its a long time ago since you write here and i hope your worldline is the same as mine. Now, in the year 2020 i had an Vision to realize your time Maschine project to travel in the Past.
I had changed my worldline randomly in the year 2012 so i hope i was on your worldline
I hope you still here and i can ask you some questions there were open.

Sorry for my Bad english. Iam a german boy

Your colin Titor


31. August 2004
Jetzt weiß ich auch, warum hier immer von Anstalt gesprochen wird...😂🤦‍♂️

Du hast ja keine Ahnung. Das ist ja "nur" ein Zeitreisender. Wir haben einen ganzen Stoß Jesusse und GOttesboten.
Ich schätze in den letzten 20 Jahren haben wir einen Schnitt von über einem Jesus pro Jahr!
Inzwischen merkt man das schon früh und kann fragen "Jesus bist Du es selbst" oder sowas :)

Auch weise ich gerne darauf hin das Messias keine Mehrzahl hat.

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