Geheimer Meister
- 4. Februar 2009
- 154
AW: 9/11: Rolle der DLMA
" 3. Towards "One World"
Clearly, government positions have held few attractions for David Rockefeller.
However, as an unofficial but uniquely powerful "ambassador without portfolio", he
has been able to do "a lot of interesting things" without ever being called to account.
Driving most of his activities over the past 40 years has been his vision of creating "a
more integrated global political and economic structure—one world." To achieve this
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Warum hat Dave Rockefeller in seiner Autobiografie dann "one world" anstelle von "neoconservatism" oder anstelle von "global governance" geschrieben? Und von "conspiracy" und "cabal" war auch die Rede. Oder schliesst Du dich blackdeaths Ansicht an, dass die Autobiografie gefälscht sei?
Bitte dran denken: WER sind die USA, wenn nicht das American establishment!!!
" 3. Towards "One World"
Clearly, government positions have held few attractions for David Rockefeller.
However, as an unofficial but uniquely powerful "ambassador without portfolio", he
has been able to do "a lot of interesting things" without ever being called to account.
Driving most of his activities over the past 40 years has been his vision of creating "a
more integrated global political and economic structure—one world." To achieve this
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