Ritter Kadosch
- 27. August 2013
- 6.713
achso, ein dahingerotzer name, von dem kaum jemand was gehört hat und wo man dann selber suchen soll. was ein vogel...
schätze das hier ist gemeint ?
eine etwas populärwissenschaftlichere fassung, mit viel pathos...
was genau wird da nun erklärt ? wann die türme einstürzten und die flugzeuge einschlugen, und dass das präziser war als wie zunächst von den medien berichtet ? wow...
dazu direkt mal die erstbeste kritik an der methodik:
der rest der da steht ist mir zunächst mal schnuppe, falls die nächste, doch recht plumpe kritik seitens plinius darauf abzielen sollte...
schätze das hier ist gemeint ?
eine etwas populärwissenschaftlichere fassung, mit viel pathos...
was genau wird da nun erklärt ? wann die türme einstürzten und die flugzeuge einschlugen, und dass das präziser war als wie zunächst von den medien berichtet ? wow...
dazu direkt mal die erstbeste kritik an der methodik:
http://911truth.org/were-explosives...s-emitted-from-new-york-on-september-11-2001/Determination of the Timing of the Signals’ Origins
In these five cases the origin of the signals was attributed, by the seismologists who published the data, to the impacts of the planes or the collapses of the buildings (Kim et al. 2001; Irvine, 2001; Hoffman, 2006). Normally in this type of study, the time of origin is known with great precision (to the millisecond), which is necessary in order to calculate the propagation speed of the different waves. Unfortunately, that precision is not possible for the events at the WTC. In this case, timing of the waves must be correlated as well as possible utilizing video evidence.
The video used in this study for the North Tower (WTC1) was from a recording made by CNN with a time stamp on the screen (Hoffman, 2006), and the results were compared with the method utilized by LDEO (Kim et al. 2001). LDEO’s method consisted of assigning an estimated speed of 2km/s for a Rayleigh wave (a type of surface seismic wave) that traversed several stations (see Figure 3) situated at various distances from the point of origin. The major inconveniences of this method are that the stations are not situated on a straight line and that the surface terrain, in which the surface waves move, varies and, therefore, the waves don’t have the same speed of propagation as they pass through different materials.
The Hudson River is located on a fault line that separates predominantly sedimentary terrain on the west from crystalline and metamorphic rock on the east. These eastern formations permit more rapid surface wave propagation than those found to the west, which explains why the path WTC-MANY (Fig. 3), the only site to the east of the Hudson, was more rapid than all the other paths, situated to the west. In contrast, the stations at Palisades (34 km), at ARNY (67.5 km) and at TBR (51 km), provide similar results because they are situated on similar geological formations. Finally, the enormous indeterminacy of 2 seconds in the calculations attempting to fix the time of origin of each of the signals, admitted by the LDEO authors themselves (Kim, et al.), oblige us to view the official conclusions critically.
der rest der da steht ist mir zunächst mal schnuppe, falls die nächste, doch recht plumpe kritik seitens plinius darauf abzielen sollte...